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Jhopes POV

I sigh as I sit alone in my plain room. I hate having fights with anyone let alone my team mates but they don't have to be so rude! I mean lots of villains were forced into the job and to scared to leave. I decide I was gonna go out today and look dorm stuff for my room. I didn't want the others to join me since I need time by myself.

I walk out of my room and see Namjoon on the couch.

"Jhope! Hey are you okay? I'm sorry about last night." He says looking at me.

"I'm alright, I'm gonna go out to get stuff for my room. You stay here and heal up alright?" I say with a smile.

"If you say so. Be back soon alright?" Namjoon says.

"I will!" I say as I head out.

*Time skip yayyyyyyyyyy*

As I make it to the big mall I look around. I head into a store and pick out a Table and some fake plant vines. I want to keep my room walls white but add some designs around the room so it feels more like home.

"I there!" I hear a familiar cheerful voice say to me.

I turn around and see a familiar small boy.

"Oh you were our waiter! Tae right?" I say

"Yeah! I'm Tae!"

"Jhope" I say to him

"Jhope are you looking for stuff for your house?" Tae asks me

"Yeah I am, wanna help?" I ask him.

I see His eyes light up happily, "I would love to!" He smiles up at me.

I take his hand and we look around for stuff for my room. After a while we got everything I needed for my room.

"Tae, thanks for the help! Let me treat you to lunch!" I say happily

"You don't need to do that Hyung" he says looking up at me

"It'll be fun!" I say happily.

I remember Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin. They would probably want to come.

"Hey how about you invite your friends Yoongi and Jin and I'll bring Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook and we can all have dinner." I say to him.

"Alright! Here's my number!" Tae hands me a paper with his number on it.

I smile, "Alright! Thanks for the help I'll see you at dinner!" I wave him goodbye as I leave.

I walk home with my bags filled with stuff for my room.

Jungkooks POV

I yawn when I wake up. I rub my eyes and sit up. I hear talking from downstairs but can't hear what they are saying. I stand up and open my door. I walk out and by the time I'm downstairs Namjoon is sitting by himself looking bored.

"Who were you talking to?" I ask Namjoon as I sit down next to him.

"Jhope. He went out to get stuff for his room." Namjoon mumbled

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Im fine. I've healed up well." He says to me.

"Good." I say, "As long as your healed up we can win this next fight!" I punch my arms around.

"Maybe.." Namjoon mumbled looking over at me.

"What's wrong?" Jimin says rubbing his eyes.

Jimin walks over to us and falls dramatically onto the couch. I roll my eyes and laugh slightly.

"We're is Jhope?" Jimin asks smiling at us

"Went to get stuff for his room." I say

"Is he angry at us?" Jimin asks a pout clear on his face.

"I don't think so, why would he be angry?" Namjoon asks.

"It's nothing." I say

"You guys best not of started something." Namjoon growls clearly upset.

"We didn't!" Me and Jimin say at the same time.

Just then the door swings open. Jhopes smiley face appears through the doorway.

"Hey guys!" He says smiling.

Hr drops the bags outside his room. He walks over to us. I see a paper in his hand that he's holding onto tight.

"Jhope why are you so happy?" I say looking over at him.

"Remember Jin and Yoongi and Tae! I ran into Tae today and we hung out all day! Now we can go get lunch together!" Jhope says waving the paper around.

I grab the paper from him and put the number in my phone. I put it saved as TaeTae 💜. I smile at his name. Before handing back the paper.

"We get to see them all at dinner?" Namjoons eyes seem to light up.

"Yeah! That's what I said didn't I?" Jhope smiles and skips to his room.

I look at the contact before texting the boy. I wait for a reply as I head up to my room. If we are going to dinner with him I must look good.

After changing I hear a small buzz sound and turn to my phone. My phone is lighten up with a text. I happily rush over to read.

TaeTae 💜
Where would you guys like to meet for dinner?

Anywhere you want to eat, also it's Jungkook!

TaeTae 💜
Alright Kookie! I'm gonna call you that. Let's meet at a cafe!

Alright! See you at The cafe at 4:30 pm!

I smile at our texts. Kookie sounds so cute coming from him. 'Agh I love him so much, wait love? I can't love him already- am I even allowed to love him? Why is this so confusing!' I hold my head and lay down trying to contain my thoughts.

Yoongis POV

"You set up what!" I growl.

Tae hugs himself closing his eyes tight. I feel bad and pet his head trying to get him to open his eyes and look at me.

"Tae I'm sorry I yelled" I mumble petting his head.

"It's okay Yoongi, I'm sorry I didn't ask you guys first." He says looking up at me.

"It's alright TaeBear." Jin says hugging Tae from behind.

Tae smiles and moves into his embrace. I smile a bit before covering my face.

"Come on Yoongi! It won't be that bad." Jin says taking my hand.

"Fine just one dinner!" I say still coving my face.

Eee chapter! I love this story line!

Broken Hearts|Bts Villains x Hero Story!|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu