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Jungkooks POV

When we got into our costume and make it to where trouble is. I fine three boys causing the trouble. 2 of them seem to be actually doing things while one is just in the back watching.  Namjoon jumps down and tackles one of the boys. The boy he tackled kicks him off quickly before getting up and running to his team mate. I jump down to help Namjoon back up. Jhope and Jimin follow me and we look at the Villains.

"Who are you guys" I ask them

"Suga." One of the boys says smirking at us as he  bends down and touches the ground as if waiting for a signal.

"Look we are hero's and if you guys want to join us it's not to late" Jhope says

"Hobi what are you doing?" Namjoon asks

"Clearly reasoning with them! Not every villains wants to be a villain!" Hobi yells at Namjoon crossing his arms.

"You guys make a pretty sucky team" the other one says.

I look over to the one in the back who hasn't said anything. He seems to just be watching the other two anxiously. Just then I see a bright bolt Aim towards where we were. 

I quickly jump out of the way and see Jimin did too.

"Ow!" Jhope and Namjoon yell at the same time falling to the ground.

"RM Hobi!" Jimin yells rushing over to help them.

Suga smiles standing up as more electric beams shooting out around him.  I rush over and around them trying to get the the other boy who is doing nothing.

"Jinx he's going to V" Suga yells to his partner who must be Jinx.

Right before I reach V I feel someone grab my back. jinx picks me up and glared at me.

"Stay away from him." Jinx says to me and he throws me onto the ground over by Suga.

I try to get up quickly but Suga steps on my back keeping me down. I keep trying to move away but it doesn't seem to work. Jinx teleports back over to where me and Suga are and Jinx jumps in and starts Attacking Hobi. Jimin is trying to hit an attack on Suga while avoiding electricity beams but he can't even get close. Namjoon is forced to move and help Jhope with Jinx.

I definitely thought that it would be easier to defeat villains but it's not that easy. But I did find out all there villain names and I think I know a way to get them to surrender next time. But it won't be able to happen if we can't get them to leave this fight.

Namjoons POV

One I finally push Jinx away from Hobi I jump over to try and get JK. Jk seems to just be laying there under Sugas foot. I focus all my power to make a big ball of water and throw it at Suga.

The big ball of water hits Suga and pushes him away from JK and throws him on the ground. I run over to JK and help him up. Minnie jumps down next to me and JK. Jinx jumps away from Hobi and stands by Suga.

"you okay JK?" I ask him not taking my eyes off the bad guys.

"I'm alright, I couldn't activate my powers with him holding me down." JK mumbles to me making sure the Villains don't hear.

JK starts to glow and then he throws fire towards Jinx and Suga. They both Jump away from it and land on their feet. Hobi picks up all the rocks near by and throws it at Jinx. Jinx puts his hands up to cover his face but then a purple force field appears in front of him.

It's clear to me that's not Jinx's Powers so I look to Suga who is staring at the boy, who I assume must be V. V must have that power.

I jump forwards and run over to V, with Jinx busy I hope Suga can't get to me in time. When I make it to the boy I look down at him. He starts glowing a bright purple light.

"What are you-" I begin to say

Jimins POV

I try and keep suga distracted as Namjoon talks to V. I keep hitting him with webs and he keeps breaking them, just then a bright purple light blinds all of us. I try and see what's happening but then I see Namjoon get thrown into the building behind us.

"RM!" Jk yells rushing over to him.

Jinx runs over to V and picks him up before jumping onto a near by building and running away with Suga following closely behind.

I put my arms down and run over to Namjoon. Jhope follows me over to Namjoon and Jungkook. Jungkook picks up Namjoon and holds him.

"Let's take him home." Jungkook says looking at us

"That sounds like a smart idea" Jhope says to us

I nod and follow them back to our house making sure no one is following. When we get out of the suits I walk over to where Namjoon is laying on the couch. I put a pillow under his head and make sure his head isn't bleeding. He only has a few cuts on his arms from the building.

"He's gonna be okay, he will wake up soon." I say more to myself than anyone else.

"Of course he will!" Jhopes cheerful voice says from behind me.

"That battle was a lot harder than I thought it would have been" Jungkook says with a pout.

"Why would a fight be easy" I tease him

"Because we are so strong!" Jungkook says crossing his arms

"Maybe we can find a way to get them on our side! Remember most of them are forced into that lifestyle and don't get to choose it" Jhope says gently

"As if. They seemed to have picked their side." I say rolling my eyes.

"Jhope I'm sorry but not everyone is a good person" Jungkook says

Jungkook moves to sit down on the chair. I sit next to Namjoon and look at Jhope. He seems upset with what we said.

"I'm going to my room.." he mumbled waving a goodbye before leaving the room

Yay! Fight scenes! 🤺

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