chapter 29 (*bitch please!*)

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Sarah POV

Emily, Rachel and i are just laughing and talking about stuff.
"I am hungry" Rachel say "of course you are but who isn't hungry all the time?!" I say and laugh
"I'll go and ask Shawn to order some pizza for us" I say as I walk out of my room.

"Hey Shawn can you order some pizza for us we are hungry" I say laughing while walking to him and kissing him he kisses me back and nods

"Where is Cam and the whore?" I ask him "I don't know probably in his room fucking or something" he says laughing and I start laughing its funny when he swears 'cause he usually doesn't

"Okay well I am going to let you have your guy time with Nash and the other dudes okay" I tell him and hug and kiss him

"No stay with mee" he pleads "oh won't you stay with mee 'cause you're all I need" I sing out loud and we laugh

"No you need guy time but I promise soon we will do something" (A/N Noo they aren't gonna have sex... Ya nashty)

"Okay and i'll order the pizza too cheese and pepperoni good?" He says/asks and I nod and walk back upstairs to the girls

On my way up I numb into the true whore herself "oh look who is it thee whore herself!" I say and fake a smile "haha funny listen you better back off of Shawn and the rest of the guys!" She say in my face seriously "oh hell no shawn is my boyfriend go suck Matthews dick of soemyjung slut" I say angrily yeah she is the one who matt cheated on Me with...

"Don't worry I will" she says I slap her hard and walk away...... I go into the room and em and Rachel are quiet now

Rachel POV

Em and I heard everything I doubt anyone else though and I can't believe what she said to sarah but good job sarah fort slapping her

Sarah walks in and she looks at us confused "we heard everything" Em says to her and she nods "if she goes andbtry to kiss anyone oif our boyfriends I will beat her ass up" sarah says and we nod "yeah i wanna help also" I say and they laughed and em nods her head agreeing

I get a text from Tez saying to meet him outside of the house "guys I have to go and meet tez so be back soon" I say and they nod and smile at my excitement

Emily POV

Rachel left and it was just me and Sarah I think sarah was on twitter tweeting people and all and I got a text from Dan

From Dan "hey I want too talk to you meet me in the kitchen"
To Dan"okay be right there"

"Sarah I am sorry but I gotta talk to Dan but I will be back soon!" I said and walk off after she nodded and smiled.


Hey guys in haven't updated in a while but I did today soon how did you guys like this chapter?!

I hope you guys know that soon this book will be over tho.. Sad ikr lol

What do you think Tez and Dan have to tell Rachel and Emily??


Peace out till later!!

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