chapter 3

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I stormed out of the room and went to shawns' house i knock on the door and wait until he answered. He opened the door and say "Oh hey Cameron, come in" i go in and sit on the couch and he sits on the couch also and I say "why shawn? why did you do it ?" shawn says "what are you talking about Cam?". " I mean why the fuck did you bully her she has never done anything to you, yet you wanna hurt her emtionally and physically ?!?!" by then i was shouting a lilttle bit and he is crying "I didn't mean to i was going to apoplogize before you found out". " ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME SHAWN SHE FUCKING CUT BECAUSE OF YOU SHE HAS HAD THOUGHTS ABOUT SUICIDE BEACAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR DAMN SO CALLED 'FRIENDS'.'" by then i was angry and wanted to punch but didn't and was crying and he stood up and said "i never knew she cut if i have known i would've stopped but i am really sorry for the pain i put her through." he said "WELL UR AN IDIOT BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T TELL THE GUY SHE GET BULLIED BY THAT SHE CUTS !!." i said and left and went to back to the house. 

*****SARAH P.O.V*****

Cam has been gone for atleast 10 minutes and i wonder what happened. Cam come back looking angry i hope he didn't hurt him i was snapped out of my thought by cameron saying "Sarah i was wondering if you wanted to come to Macgon?" i scream and say yes of course and he said "okay well we leave in about 2 days so get packing because at 5 Am is our flight on Wedsenday" i say "okay" and hug him.

I go upstairs and get my suitcase and pack

bathingsuits,make up, jeans, shorts, crop top, a whole bunch of shoes, and my curling iron , towel. And a whole bunch of other things that i would need. When i was done me an dcameron were watching tv and i checked my twitter and for being cameron sister i have a decent amout of followers and i tweet out   

     Can't wait to see @nashgrier at Macgon and the rest of them

After i tweeted that i got a alot of rt and favs and some tweets saying "OMFG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU @sarah_Dallas001" (not a real twitter)

And then Cam ask if i wanted to to do a youtube video with him and i said yes and he tweeted out his number so his fans can call him for the youtube video his phone was going crazy he could only talk for one mintues at least. But it was hilarious


HEY GUYS!! HAPPY DELAYED CHRISTMAS HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT ONE ! sorry this is short but its 2:32 AM so i thought i should just upload.. hope ya guys liked it!!

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