Should Have Waited

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"I knew we should have waited...." Eden said as she rubbed Gabriel's back. The Archangel had bid his hot dog, Raman and funnel cake goodbye and it was now all over his lap.

It was taking all of Crowley's self control not to burst into laughter. It had been absolutely priceless seeing Eden help the vomit covered Archangel off of the Kamikaze, his face as white as wallpaper paste.

Aziraphale miracled the mess away but Gabriel looked quite shaken. How could humans stand such a thing?

"Perhaps you and your father should go on ahead as planned Eden. I'll stay with Gabriel ad once he's feeling better; we'll met you two at the petting zoo."

"I'd rather stay with Gabe-" Eden began but Gabriel interrupted her. "It's okay Edie, go on ahead. We'll try the other rides when I'm feeling better..."

"Are you sure Gabe? I can stay with you if you'd like." Gabriel shook his head, but instantly regretted it, suddenly getting hit by a wave of dizziness. "Go have fun with Crowley."

Crowley couldn't believe his luck. He was getting quality time with Eden much sooner than originally planned! Things were finally looking up....

Bad Omens: The Carnival (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now