✨Riddle: Engagement {!Girlfriend!FReader}*Ed*

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No one, but Ace, Deuce, and Trey, knows that Riddle and Y/n are dating. Ace, Deuce, and Trey planned something that had them go on a date, which the duo found out it was them three, and since it kicked off nicely, Riddle and Y/n have been dating ever since. Azul, Jade, and Floyd had managed to figure it out when they realized how many times the duo had gone to the Mostro Lounge together so many times that they decided to ask and got the answer that they were both dating. Y/n has Riddle's mother's approval because of Y/n's healthy tart recipes. The couple has been dating for two years now and Riddle is in his third year with this and Y/n is in her fourth year.
Sorry in advance to any Cater stans, you shall see why later.

❇Y/n's P.O.V.❇

  I searched around my room for my book when I noticed Ace walk by. I went up to him and asked, "Hey Ace, have you seen my book by any chance?"

  He turned to me and said, "I think I saw Cater-sensi have it last."

  "Huh, he doesn't usually touch my stuff though, that is unless he thinks I lost it and is looking for me. Thanks Acey," I said as I walked away to go find Cater. I found Cater and he was talking to Riddle. Riddle seemed to be visibly upset with him and I think it might've been because he thinks Cater stole since he was still holding it. I went over to the two and said, "Hey Cay-kun."

  "Hi Y/n-chan, I noticed you left your book in the rose garden yesterday and didn't see you go back to pick it up. I saved it from getting ruined by the rain and actually been looking for you to return it," Cater spoke. He handed me my book back as a smile formed on my face. I hugged my book close to my chest and said, "Thank you, Cay-kun."

  "Hi Y/n, how are you today?" Riddle asked. I smiled at him and said, "I was worried about my book, but I'm better now that I have it back. What about you, Strawberry?"

  "I'm good," Riddle said. Cater raised his hand slightly and said, "Why do you call him "Strawberry"? And how are you allowing her to call you those? You never allow anyone to give you a nickname or use your first name."

  "Riddle-kun likes strawberry tarts and his hair is a similar shade to a strawberry," I said. Riddle's face turned slightly red and said, "I'd rather not say my reasoning on why I allow her to call me such nicknames."

  I began to walk away and said, "See you later, Strawberry. Bye Cay-kun."

  "See you later, Y/n," Riddle said. Cater waved bye as he said, "See you around, Y/n-chan."

  I went back to my room and cuddled up on my bed to finish reading my book.

<<A Few Hours Later>>

  "Hey Y/n, are you almost done getting ready?" Riddle's voice asked. I turned to my door as I fixed my skirt of my rose red dress to not be so poofy as it reached my knees. I went over to the door and opened it to reveal Riddle in his fancy red tuxedo. I giggled and said, "I'm ready, Riddle-kun."

  "Come on then, M'lady. The dance isn't going to wait up for us and you know how I feel about being late," Riddle said. I took his hand and he pulled me along with him down the hall. We went to the ballroom in the school where everyone was as tonight was the Valentine's Day Ball.

  "It's quite an exciting night, isn't it?" Cater asked as he popped out of nowhere. Riddle glared at him as Cater was also standing a bit too close. I stepped back from him and towards Riddle.

<<One Hour Later>>

  "Is everyone enjoying the night?" The headmaster asked into the night. Everyone cheered. Riddle gripped my hand. The headmaster grinned as Riddle pulled me out to the dancefloor, "Oh, right. I nearly forgot, dorm leader Riddle has an announcement to make."

  The headmaster handed Riddle the mic as Riddle's face started to turn red slightly. He seemed nervous about something.

  "Y/n, as you know, we've been dating for the past two years," Riddle began to say into the mic as everyone in the room gasped from shock, "And I have a very important question before you graduate..." Riddle pulled out a small box and opened it to reveal an engagement ring, "Do you promise to marry me once I graduate?"

  Everyone gasped from excitement and I smiled, "Oh my seven, absolutely."

  I hugged Riddle as he became even flustered. Everyone cheered and Riddle slipped the ring onto my ring finger. He pressed his lips to mine as I melted into the kiss.

This was the best night of my life!


  Poor Cater in the background. He was going to ask Y/n out on a date as he also had a thing for Y/n. He was too late as Riddle had already gotten to her before him.

  Yet, he couldn't be mad at Riddle. He kept Y/n happy and as long as Y/n was happy, so was Cater.

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