💔✨Sebek: Poetic Words {!Human!FReader}

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💝Happy Valentine's Day💝
❇Y/n's P.O.V.❇

  Rain pounded against the glass as thunder roared. I sighed as stared at the gloomy sky. It matched my mood. Today of all days was Valentine's Day and my own crush rejected me in front of everyone. He even made fun of me for being in love with him. Everyone laughed. They think it's a joke. That I'm a joke.

  Tears streaked down my face as I frowned. I wiped them away but they were never ending. I couldn't stop crying from how much it hurt. The regret of saying anything weighed heavily on my broken heart.

  "Human? I saw what happened and came to check on you," a soft calm deep voice said. I stopped rubbing my eyes and turned to see Sebek was here. He had a frowned plastered on his face. His eyebrows twitched in annoyance and he spoke, "He's currently being scolded by Leona-senpi, Ruggie-senpi, and Rook-senpi for being disrespectful to a woman like that. Especially on Valentine's Day."

  "Oh, why did you want to come check on me?" I asked. Sebek's face tinted red and he said, "E-Even if you aren't a fae, you shouldn't go through a heartbreak like that."

  "That still doesn't explain it," I said. I smiled softly before continuing, "Whatever your reasoning though, thank you for coming to check up on me. It's nice of you to do so."

  I wrapped my arms around his waist as he stiffened from my sudden hug. I nuzzled my face into his chest and he hugged me back. He muttered something inaudible and said, "No one finds out about this. People will end up teasing me for this."

  We pulled away and I wiped away an stray tears. I nodded and said, "Okay, Sebek. Thanks for coming to cheer me up."

  "You're welcome. You didn't need to be crying on a day supposedly filled with love," Sebek said. I felt my heart skipped a beat as I felt my face heat up some. He turned away and said, "I should get going now. It's almost class time and I'm not one to be late."

  "Okay, see you around then," I said. His face tinted red slightly when I smiled at him. He disappeared around the corner and I began walking the other direction to class.

«A Few Weeks Later»

  I opened my locker and noticed a letter. I grabbed it and pulled it out as I put my books away in my locker. I found a handwritten note inside the letter filled with poetic words.

I may not the know the way into your heart
But you have found your way into mine
I confess that I've grown attached to you
For that, I wish I knew if you felt the same
My heart pounds in my chest when I see you
My lungs struggle to breathe when I'm near you
I've fallen for you hard
Even with you having no magic,
You have bewitched me into loving you
I want to be able to hold you in my arms
Feel my lips press against your knuckles
Run my fingers through your soft hair
See your smile everyday
See the amount of beauty you illuminate
Vil might even be jealous

But whenever I try to speak
My brain makes me say something different
Makes it seem like I resent you
Almost even hate you
When in reality, I love every bit about you

  I felt my heart flutter as I smiled softly. I already knew that it had to be from Sebek. I'll have to get him alone in order to tell him how I felt too. He made my own heart flutter. Yet, he's never noticed it apparently. His bright green eyes always sparkled happily in the sun whenever we would talk to each other. I could tell that he liked me, though, I thought he was just keeping his walls up so he wouldn't continue to fall in love. Especially with someone like me. A magicless human with no title.

  I smiled softly and shut my locker as I tucked the letter away in the envelope. I put it away in my pocket and began walking off to find Sebek. I took notice that he was speaking to Silver by the entrance to the courtyard. I stopped for a moment as I twoddled my fingers, debating on if I should let them finish their conversation or just interrupt them.

  "Oh, speaking of who, there she is now," Silver said as he nudged Sebek's arm. He chuckled as he began walking away, "I'll get going so you both can talk."

  Sebek sent him a glare as he said, "I'm still not done talking to you. I didn't and still don't need your help."

  "With what?" I asked as I approached him. His face tinted red and he turned to me. He began to stumble over his words and asked, "N-Nothing of the sorts. What's up with you?"

  "I just want to come tell you that I got your note," I said as I pulled out the envelope. His face tinted red and he said, "E-Eh? But I threw it away because I thought it wasn't good enough."

  "But how did it get in my locker?" I asked. He seemed to become angry at something and muttered, "That must've been Silver's doing. Why that-"

  He relaxed a little and out of nowhere, pulled me in for a small kiss. I giggled and said, "You could've asked for one."

  "I-I don't what happened... I lost control of myself," he said. I hugged him and said, "That might've been Ruggie's doing. He is down the hall next to Silver."

  "Those two. I'll get them back later," Sebek said. He hugged me back and said, "For now, I would actually like to hangout with you for a bit."

  "I would love that, Sebek," I said with a big smile. He smiled and grabbed my hand while interlocking our fingers.

Thanks, Silver and Ruggie. This probably wouldn't have happened without you.

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