💔✨Sebek: Different PT 2 {!Human!FReader}

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❇Sebek's P.O.V.❇

  My face tinted red as I stiffened up. The nerve Y/n had to just kiss my cheek and walk away was absurd. My heart fluttered as she walked to her next class.

Why am I feeling this way? She doesn't even have any magic.

  "Sebek!!" I snapped out of my thoughts to the sound of Silver's voice. I turned my head to him as he was standing there with his arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow as he spoke, "Are you okay? You abandoned your duty of walking Malleus to class to protect Y/n from a bully. You never interfere with anyone bullying anyone. You've also have been acting weird since week two of hanging out and getting to know Y/n."

  "I don't like Y/n," I said. Silver looked at me displeased and said, "I never said anything about that. But that just proves you do like her."

  "N-No, I don't like her at all," I said. I crossed my arms and Silver sighed as he face palmed. He began walking away and said, "Let's just get to class."

  I followed behind as he smirked at something. I sent him a glare and we parted ways to our classes.

«The Next Day»
❇Y/n's P.O.V.❇

  I walked the halls as I was looking for Sebek. It was break time, so it was my chance to give him the cupcake I made for him. I found him talking with Silver and Lilia in the hallway as they were teasing him about something.

  "Sebek," I called out as I approached him. His face tinted red as I grinned. He glared me down as he asked, "What do you want?"

  "I made you something as a thank you for helping me out yesterday," I said as I handed him the gift, "I would've been badly beaten up by E/n if you hadn't shown up like you did."

  Sebek's face became redder by the second as I turned and walked away. I hummed as I began walking to the cafeteria as lunch was going to start soon.

«After Lunch»

  I was walking to my next class when Lilia approached me. I turned to him as I stopped. He chuckled and said, "Sebek really enjoyed your cupcake you made him. He even said that it was cute for you to such a thing and thinks that it was too much for a simple thank you."

  "Really? Why so?" I asked. Lilia chuckled and said, "He thinks that it must've taken so long for you to make and perfect the cupcake and wants to show his appreciate for you dedication after school."

  "Really? Where does he want to meet?" I asked. He chuckled softly and said, "He wants you to meet him at the Botanical Gardens."

  "There?" Sebek didn't seem to be the type to enjoy such warm and humid places. Lilia smirked and said, "He would feel more relaxed talking to you there."

  "Okay. I'll be sure to meet him there," I said happily. Lilia teleported off and I continued my way to class.

«After School»

  I walked to the Botanical Gardens as Sebek was out front twiddling his thumbs. He seemed to be nervous. I ran up to him and said, "Sebek?"

  He looked up and his face tinted a little red. Sebek stood up and said, "H-Hi Y/n."

  "So~ What did you want to do to show you appreciate to me making your cupcake?" I asked. His face tinted red and he tapped his fingers together nervously.

  "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight. For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night," Sebek said. I smiled and laughed at his words.

  "Really, Romeo and Juliet?" I asked. Sebek's face lit up with a red tint. He took my hand into his which made sparks go off in my heart. I hummed and said, "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."

  Sebek smiled softly as we looked each other in the eyes. He hummed as if he was studying something. He leaned in closer to me and said, "Would you mind if I- uh..."

  "If you what? Are you okay?" I asked. He cupped my face quickly and gave me no time to react before he planted his lips to mine. I felt my face heat up as my heart began to race. I melted into the kiss and we pulled away after a few minutes for air. Sebek's face was as red as a tomato. I giggled and said, "So cute."

  "I'm sorry if I was a little too forward. I had too much confidence and it just plummeted at that exact moment," Sebek said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "I love you, Sebek. Nothing can change it."

  "I-I l-love you too, Y/n," Sebek said. His face was becoming redder by the moment. He was so embarrassed that it was cute. I giggled as he pulled me into his arms. I smiled and said, "You're adorable, Sebek."

  "Not as adorable as you," Sebek responded. I gave him a peck on the lips and giggled as his face tinted red. He hugged me and continued, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

  "Of course, Sebek," I said. He pulled me back in for another kiss. I smiled and melted into it.

❇Third Person P.O.V.❇

  "I was not expecting it to go that far," a voice said quietly as it's owner was hiding in a bush. Lilia, Silver, and Malleus were not too far away as Lilia held a pair of binoculars to see what was going down. Silver chuckled and said, "Honestly, I just find this highly ironic with how much he says he hates humans, especially magicless ones."

  "I'm happy for him. Maybe he'll get over his hatred for humans because of Y/n," Malleus spoke. Silver hummed and said, "Doubt it. I know how he is."

  "I find this adorable, if only we were closer, then I could get a picture," Lilia said. Silver chuckled and Malleus smiled softly.

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