💔✨Riddle: Protective {!Younger Sibling!GLReader}

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Riddle is 5'2" so I'm making y'all 5'0". It'll make sense later on. Y'all are also a year younger than him.
❇Y/n's P.O.V.❇

"Whoops," E/n said as he pushed me to the floor. I got up as I brushed myself off and said, "Sorry for being in your way. I've was looking around for Dormleader Riddle, but can't seem to find him anywhere."

"Oh, he's over there," R/n said pointing to Riddle just coming down the hall as he was talking to Trey. I smiled and said, "Thanks, R/n."

I went over to Riddle and hugged him which made him freeze but smile at the big grin was planted across my face. Trey stopped in his tracks and said, "Looks like someone wants to have your attention."

"Y/n, I know I promised to hangout with you, but I'm actually kinda busy with some dormleader duties," Riddle said, "Crowley has called an emergency dormleader meeting and you know I'm one to not miss them or be late. He also wants vice-dormleaders to be as well."

"Okay, can we hang out tomorrow then?" I asked. He sighed and said, "Sorry, I'm busy all of this week with some things."

"But you promised to hang out with me," I said. He pulled away and said, "More important things have come up, I'm sorry. We can hang out when I don't have dormleader duties to worry about, okay?"

"Okay..." I pouted. He and Trey walked away as I felt a little down. I was looking around for Riddle for an entire hour and yet, he doesn't want to hang out. Too busy to hang out for the rest of the week as well. He promised me though. I frowned slightly and began to walk back to my dorm room. I changed into my pajamas and curled up in bed to my white rabbit plushie. I smiled and said, "At least you won't leave me, Mr. Rabbit. If you were to leave, I don't know what I'd do with myself."

<<A Few Weeks Later>>

"Thanks with helping me, Y/n," R/n said, "You're the best."

"No problem, R/n," I replied. R/n smiled and said, "I should get going. Cya later, Y/n."

"Cya," I waved bye as he walked off. I smiled and noticed Trey come down the hall. I smiled and skipped over to him as I asked, "Hey Trey, have you Riddle?"

"Hm? Oh, it's just you, Y/n. Yeah, he went to the library to do some studying," Trey said. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Trey. I might as well go study with him since I have to study too. Cya."

I turned around and skipped off to the library. I smiled as I turned the corner and was halfway to the library when I felt someone push me to the floor. I looked up to see E/n. He grinned and said, "Look at what we have here. The little useless brat. Riddle doesn't even like you either, so stop trying to follow him around like a lost puppy. I don't even get why you're childish enough to keep this."

He pulled out my white rabbit plush and I felt tears brim my eyes. He chuckled and used his magic to knock me to the floor again when I went to go take Mr Rabbit from him. He scoffed tore off my white rabbit's head. Stuffing fell to the floor as my rabbit was dropped and bursted into flames mid-air. E/n laughed and began walked away as students crowded around us and blocked his path. I whimpered softly as looked at the ashes of my favorite plushie. Tears began fall as everyone just froze in shock since I never cried in front of so many people before. R/n came over and hugged me.

"H-Hey, it'll be fine. Look, Bring back what once was mine," R/n comforted. The ashes of my rabbit returned back to my plushie before they were set on fire and his head was attached to his body. I hugged my white rabbit and couldn't help but continue crying over someone actually being mean enough to destroy something so precious to me.

"What happened?! Why is Y/n crying?!" Trey asked as he came running over with Riddle not far behind. The other dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders came from around the corner and R/n said, "E/n thought it would be cool to destroy Y/n's white rabbit plushie. It sent g/p over the edge and now g/p won't stop crying even after I brought back g/p plushie."

"Y/n, listen to me. No one here wants to hurt you. No one will hurt you. Take it easy. You're safe, okay? I promise you that you're safe," Riddle said as he held me in his arms. I couldn't stop crying though. He rubbed my back soothingly and continued a calm voice, "Take it easy, Y/n. You're okay. Shh, you're okay. Mr Rabbit is okay as well. He doesn't want to see you crying and neither do I. Please calm down. I'm here for you, N/n. I always am and you know that."

I sniffled as hiccups escaped my throat. I clutched Riddle's shirt as he hugged me gently. He rubbed my back as I calmed down from crying. I felt safe in his arms as I sniffled softly.

"E/n said you don't care about me. He called me a useless attention seeking brat as well," I sniffled. Riddle frowned and said, "You're not useless or a brat. Attention seeking is still on debate though."

I giggled softly as I still sniffled. Riddle laughed softly as I nuzzled up to him to feel his warmth and comfort better. E/n and surrounding strangers seemed shocked at the interaction between us. R/n went silent before saying, "Oh shit. You're lucky that Riddle is not pissed."

"Tch, OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" Riddle shouted as he used his magic to behead E/n. I flinched at his loud voice and covered my ears as more tears were threatening to spill.

"I stand corrected, he is pissed," R/n said. Riddle frowned and said, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I forgot you're sensitive to sudden loud noises with how mad I was."

I uncovered my ears and looked up at him as I rubbed away my tears. I hugged him and he sighed as he helped me to stand. I clutched Mr Rabbit close to my chest as Riddle sighed softly. He smiled softly and said, "I'm here for you, my sweet tart."

"Thank you. I love you, big brother," I exclaimed happily as I hugged his waist. Everyone stepped back in shock as Ace said, "BIG BROTHER?!"

Ace, Deuce, and Cater widened their eyes from shock and everyone else began to chatter. I giggled as Riddle patted my head. I nuzzled my face into his neck as he smiled and said, "Come on. We'll be late for tea if we don't get back to the dorm on time."

"Hai, Riddle," I said. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the dorm. Mr Rabbit was held to my chest as I followed him.

At least, he'll always be here whenever I need him. I wonder what tea we'll be having.

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