Chapter 1: The Mission

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Luke's P.O.V.
It was a normal day at the guild. I was at a table, chatting with Levi, when all of a sudden I remembered something, RENT!!

My rent is due in a few days and I don't have enough money! I would have had enough except for the fact that Team Natsumi destroys everything. First Grace and Natsumi get in a fight and either freeze everything or burn it. Then, Eric goes to stop them and somehow manages to make it worse. So instead of being able to just split the money, we end up giving almost all of it back to pay for the damage! Can you believe them? And they think it's okay to just barge in my house, eat all my food, and sleep in my bed!! Seriously I have to pay for that stuff! Ugh, whatever. It's not like I can say no, sometimes I think I'm too nice for my own good. I better do a solo job, then I won't have to pay for damage.

"Hey Mira!" I yell to get her attention. "Do we have any jobs that pay well but are easy enough to do alone?"

"Yeah I think I have one here, were you thinking of going solo on this one?"

"Yup, I've gotta get rent money somehow." She nods in understanding and hands me a request.

Commonly seen in the East Forest of Magnolia.
Magic- unknown, but not strong
Reward- 40.000 Jewels
Report back to Mr. Itsuki Anno when finished

"Sounds good, Mira, can I take this one?"

"Sure." And with that she stamps the paper and I start heading home to pack.

When I get home I'm surprised to see Natsumi on my couch, EATING MY FOOD!!!

"Ugh, Natsumi!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!?!" I yell angrily.

"Huh? Oh I was waiting for you."

"We'll get out, I have to pack."

"Wha? Did you pick a job for the team."

"Nope, I'm doing this one solo."

"What!! Your doing it without me?! Why?!"

"Because you destroy everything!! I need money for my rent and it doesn't help that your eating all my food!"

"Aww, your no fun. Well good luck on your mission. And when you get hurt don't go blaming me." Normally I would have gotten mad at her because she technically just called me weak but I'm not in the mood right now. All I want to do is pack my supplies and sleep, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.


When I woke up I immediately started to get ready, eat, and head off on my mission. I went to the requester's house to inform them that I accepted their request and started towards the forest.

When I got their it was quiet, a little too quiet. I couldn't even hear the birds or any type of bug, which was odd. After walking for awhile I heard a twig snap behind me. I quickly turn around to see a man hidden under a cloak. We start fighting and I summon Taurus. They fight for a while and then I have to call out another spirit.

"Open! Gate of the Lion...Loke." With that Loke appears in a flash of blinding light. She is wearing a white button down with black dress pants and many rings adorning her fingers to help with her magic.

"What do you need, prince." She says in a flirty way. I instruct her to help me defeat the cloaked man while I fight with my whip. "Regulus grant me power!" She shouts before her fist collides with the mans stomach in a flash of golden light. Once I regain eyesight, I slash him with my whip and he is knocked back. I start to approach him because he looked like he may pass out soon but right before he looses consciousness he mumbles a spell I've never heard before.

"jinkaku mahō - on shū - ribāsu" (Translation: Personality magic - one week - reverse) Huh? Nothing happened, I guess he messed up. After saying those lines he passed out

After that I start to feel a bit tired but I assume it's from the fight. I tie him up an call the magic council and they come immediately. After they teleport him away into prison I head back to the requester to get my reward. I start feeling really tired now. When I reach the guild I open the doors, I begin to feel light headed but before I can say anything I black out.

Normal P.O.V.

Everyone in the guild were doing the same thing they do everyday, partying, drinking, fighting, and chatting when they hear the doors open. Everyone turns their heads to see Luke. They all think it's weird for him to not greet them like he normally does, so they begin to worry. Then all of a sudden he blacks out and fall but before he hits the ground Eric catches him.

"Somebody get Wane, something's wrong with Luke!" He yells.

Hey!! So I started another story!! It's going to be kind of short but not to short. Just in case you were wondering the spell I made up is in Japanese. Thanks a bunch for reading.

Thanks! :)

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