Chapter 4: Day 3

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Luke's P.O.V

Arggg. What the hell happened to me. I have the worst hangover ever. I groaned and sat up. I get up and grab a pain killer. This is going to be a long day. I feel like training. For breakfast I cooked some eggs and bacon, then I took a shower and went strait to the woods near the Fairy Tail guild hall to train.

On my way their I thought I saw Natsumi and Happy yelling at me to come over there, but for some reason I couldn't hear them. Maybe it was just my imagination.

I reach a clearing in the forest and start to warm up. I do 100 push-ups and 150 sit-ups. Then I start punching a tree. I get hot after a while so I take my shirt off.

Natsumi's P.O.V.

I see Luke on my way towards the guild and I call for him to come talk to me. But he totally ignored me!! How dare he!! It was like he was zoned out in his own little world. I decided to follow him to see where he was going. A forest?

He starts exercising and warming up. Then he starts punching and kicking a tree. He starts getting sweaty and he takes his shirt off. I started blushing like crazy, he actually had muscles!! Like a six pack!! Happy saw me blush and of course started to tease me.

"You liiiiiiiiiike him." He rolled his tongue.

"Shhhhhh, he'll hear us. And no I don't!!" I said as my blush deepens.

As he continues, I notice that he started to use his whip. He summoned Virgo and she brought some training dummies from the Spirit World. They were really cool because they were enchanted and could move and attack back.

I don't know how long I was watching him until the sky started to turn dark. I noticed the whole day that Luke seemed completely focused, like he was blocking out the whole world. I silently walked back to the guild with happy following close behind.

"Ohayo minna!!" I shouted as I kicked the guild hall's doors open.

I got many greetings sent my way as I walked to the bar to chat with Mira, I don't think I've ever seen Luke train before so I was going to ask her if she knew anything about it.

"Hey Mira, you'll never guess what I just saw."

"Really, what?" She asked with interest.

"Luke, training!?"

"How is that so strange, you go training all the time." It was true.

"Yeah, but I don't think I've ever seen him training before and..." I started to blush as I remembered his 'lack of a shirt' and curse you Mira for noticing. The mischievous matchmaking glint in her eyes says it all.

"OOoOoohhh what is this blush your having!?!" Curse you!!

"Umm...N-n-nothing, bye!" I shouted as I bulleted out of the guild.

Mira's P.O.V.

Operation NALU!!!

Hey sorry for the late update (please don't kill me) I just haven't been in the writing mood, it's sad. Thanks to all of you who read this story, or any of my stories. Byee!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fairy Tail

Thanks :)

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