Keefe: Chapter 2

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A/N: ok so this is basically Keefe's POV of what just happened. I know that can kind of get boring so I will try not to do to many chapters like this.

.•Keefe's POV•.

I woke up in a great mood my hair styled perfectly, I pranked Daddio and Ro and left to visit Foster.

...Turns out today wasn't that great.

I got to Havenfield and knocked on the door no one answered. I knocked again and heard muffled voices, what was going on?

Finally the door opened to red puffy eyes Edaline.
"What's wrong" I asked getting more and more worried each second.
She tried to say something but then just started to son and ran inside. I followed her in and saw Grady sitting on the couch.

"Keefe, call your friends and tell them to come here immediately. I have already phoned the council and the collective."
"Y-ya, ok" I stuttered pulling out my imparter.
Something was definitely wrong, Grady called me Keefe not That Boy. I quickly called everyone and they arrived in record speed. Soon everyone else's as arrived

"So, what's the big news we had to stop everything and come here for" Councilor Alina asked. Ughhhhh she was the worst councilor and the president of the Foster Hate Club. I glared daggers at her. I looked at over at Mr Forkle he seemed to be worried, his mouth in a frown and worry lines written on his forehead. He caught me looking and shook is head.
Not now he spoke into my mind sharply,
But... he had severed the connection.
I looked away annoyed training my eyes on Grady. "She's gone" he whispered, "Sophie's gone"

It took me a second to process what he has said
Sophie was gone! Who knows if she'll ever come back! Why did she leave?
All these thoughts flew through my head, as I started to hyperventilate before I collapsed and everything went black.

I woke up a little bit later to find myself in a cot at Elwin's clinic.
I was confused for a second then it all came rushing back to me, Sophie. I felt a year trickle down my face, then another and another. My tears fell like a waterfall.
Then I heard the door open, then voices. I wiped my tears. I had to look strong. I was going to get Sophie back.
Elwin came in a checked on me saying that I had suffered from the shock of, as Elwin put it, unfortunate news before I blacked out

A few hours later, I was cleared to go. I was just getting up to leave when the Forklenator came in.
I tried to rush my him pretending I didn't see him, but he saw me. I stuck his arm out.
"Keefe" he said quietly and calmly
"Sorry I have to go" I said trying to push passed him.
"Keefe sit down" Mr Forkle said his voice much more agitated.
"Why did she leave" I whispered as I felt the tears rise I tried to push them back, but a few slipped through.
"She did it to protect you guys. She came to me and told me her plan, saying that if she left the Neverseen would leave you guys alone, that she couldn't bear to see any of you due or get hurt because of her"
"So you just let her go" I asked trying to control my anger, but my question came out forcefully, he could have stopped this could have prevented all of this from happening. My world was turning upside down and he just lets Sophie Foster leave. I could feel my face burning with anger.
"Keefe I didn't finish, I told her not to go, alerted her body guards, but somehow she got passed" Mr Forkle pulled a hand across his face.
"Of course she did" I said rolling my eyes, "she's Sophie Foster, you know the Moonlark that you programmed to save the world"
Mr Forkle sighed muttering something about, "you kids...."
"Look, We need to find her, and even if you don't agree I will still look for her" I said stubbornly
"Yes we do" he said, then with a sly smile he added "and you Keefe Sencen will be in charge of the search party.
And with that we went are separate ways, him doing Forkle stuff and me finding Foster

**two weeks later**
We were getting close I could feel it. We kept ending up in the same city. That's where everything was pointing us to, but we were yet to find her.

"Ughhhh this is hopeless" I groaned sitting down on a bench.
"Maybe you should ask someone about her" bangs boy offered somewhat rudely.
"Ya what an awesome idea Tammy" Biana chimed in.
Recently Biana and Tam had gotten together and were now dating. I was happy for them, but it was starting to get super annoying.
"Fine Tammy" I told them mocking Biana and glaring at Tam, "but only because I have no other ideas.
"Don't call me that" I heard Tam mutter under his breath. I just ignored him, I was loosing my patience, fast.

I saw a girl about five feet tall with long brown hair and green eyes.
I asked if she had seen someone with, (he described Sophie.) she hadn't. Although as I walked away I felt that she felt worried, almost like she was hiding something
A few weeks later just as we were about to leave on another search party Mr Forkle came into the room. He put a paper on the table,
"I'm sorry" was all he said before he walked out .
I saw a tear trickle down his face as he looked back.

Why was Forkle crying?
I looked down at the table.
There was a card to with a date and time. I picked up the newspaper. There was a picture of Sophie on it with one word written above the picture DEAD.
Sophie Foster was dead. She had died in a big accident o the highway. The date and time was for her planting, her real planting.

The planting was awful. I had my eyes closed for most of it trying to keep the pin away. The one time i did open my eyes to leave a gift at her tree I thought I saw Sophie, but of course it was all just a trick my mean mind was playing on me. I tried to continue life normally even though it was hard. After about six months and me in zombie mode since her death the gang decided to hang out. According to Fitz this place was a surprise to cheer us all up as if nice dinner would make the world better. I wasn't going to go.
I went, Ro made me go with a taunt about some Ogre death thing.

We all gathered in Fitz huge yard. He pulled out a Leaping Crystal and leaped away. I was actually super excited about this, the first time in months I felt something other then immense grief, sadness, and anger.
I smirked then glittered into the light.

A/N: Sorry that was kind of a weird chapter.
I hope you liked it still.

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