Sophie: Chapter 5

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A/N: I'm back from the dead😂 yayyyyy
I am so so so so sorry for not publishing sooner I have had a lot going on.
I hope you enjoy this fan fic still.
Also I started writing this before I went on hiatus and just finished it now so I went back over it to see if every matches up I might have missed something though so if something seems off let me know and I will try to fix it😁
Happy reading
I ran and ran as fast as I could trying to escape my reality. I would never be able to though. Once my mind cleared I turned around and walked back to the cafe. As much as I hated to admit I was wrong. I was going to clear all the human minds and go back to the Lost Cities with my friends and hope that everyone would forgive me for my foolish recklessness.

Finally I reached my destination, the cafe. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened my eyes. The humans were all on the ground, all the elves were not. I hoped that the three Neverseen members had been caught. written on the cafe widow was Neverseen Caught. I breathed a sigh of relief. I would meet up with the gang in the Lost Cities. As I began to wipe memories I stepped on a wrinkled piece of paper. I picked it up and when I read it my heart dropped.

Dear "Moonlark" we hate to inform you, but when it seems like your friends have won and finally got us cornered. Well it's the other way around. We have many tricks up our sleeve. We could destroy your friends in an instant. We are just biding our time. If you do not go into solitary confinement, we will leave the Lost Cities, your friends included for a year. However we will attack and kill whoever enters the Forbidden Cities. Choose wisely little bird.
-The Neverseen.

Ok, I thought to myself, you have 24 hours to find a place to stay, luckily I know just the place...but first,

I teleported to each of my friends houses leaving them a note explaining to them what had happened. I watched from my spyball as they opened their letters and began to cry before pulling out their imparters and calling the rest of the gang.

Finally I reached Keefe's house.
He was asleep in his room. I saw the side table next to himself it was littered with sedatives.

As I stood in his window watching him, lay in an unearthly stillness in his sleep some part of me whispered, this is your fault.
I shrugged it off glaring at the voice, it's the Neverseens fault, stop trying to create drama weird voice.
I talked to myself a lot and was beginning to realize how weird that was, oh well it helped me make important decisions so I was going to stick with it.

I then wrote him a letter about what had happened and why I was leaving as well as an imparter he could use to call me only in an emergency. As well as not to tell the others about it.

Keefe was the only one I had given an imparter to. He felt like the only one I could truly trust.

"I'm sorry Keefe" I whispered, "I'm so so sorry"

Just before I leaped to my home for the next year I quickly realised there was two other things I needed

I reached Havenfield and quickly used my window tp get into my room I grabbed Ella and a necklace that had a Ferris Wheel charm on it
then I leaped to Alluveterre,
(Ok I think that's the right place but I'm sorry if it isn't it's been a while since I read the keeper books) since it wasn't used anymore. I knew I could spend a year here happily in peace.

I smiled at myself as I remembered all of the memories we had here. Before I knew it I had begun to cry.

I grabbed my blankets and brought them over to the window. I pressed my hand against the glass, "goodnight Keefe" I whispered before falling asleep not sure what the next 365 days would be like.

Sorry that was so short, I haven't had a lot of time to write.
I promise this is not going to get boring with Sophie at Alluveterre. I mean Keefe has the imparter (;
Also should I do the next chapter in Keefe's POV
I'll try to update soon!
Don't worry I'm not going to vanish into thin air again😂

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