Sophie: Chapter 3

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Publishing a day early, YAY!
Hope you enjoy, this ones going to be interesting

.•Sophie's POV•.

May ran gripping tightly onto my hand. we reached the car and yet she still did not let go almost like she was afraid I would run away if she let go.

"May, I'm going to have to get in the car so your gonna need to let go" I said glancing over at her trying to hide my smile.

"ugghhhhh, fine" she said, "just promise me you won't go running back inside"

"alright" I replied, but, what she didn't see was me crossing my fingers behind my back. As soon as she let go I sprinted towards the building,

"Luna, come back here right now" May yelled stamping her foot it was hilarious.

I started laughing and before I knew it I was laying on the floor my sides were heaving as I gasped for breath.

"what's so funny?" she asked genuinely confused

"y-your face" I told before starting my laughing fit all over again. By this time people were staring.

"come on Luna let's go" May told me getting annoyed

"Fine, but only because you asked so nicely" I said giving her a smirk as I hopped in her car.
Wow, I am really starting act like Keefe.

Keefe, boy did I miss him.

Suddenly the joy that I had just been feeling fell. My eyes had began to fill with tears and May noticed, "you alright Luna?" she asked concerned

"ya, I'm fine, just got something in my eye" I told her wiping my eyes.

I could tell she didn't believe me, but she dropped. We sat in awkward silence for the rest of the ride.

She pulled up to a small cafe, Cecilia's Cafe read the sign over the door. May and I walked in and saw our friends, Lillian, Carrie, Kendal, and Jade already seated at one of the tables we walked over and joined them chit-chatting about random stuff.

Suddenly three men walked in. I was facing away from the entrance so I didn't see them, but Jade, Kendal, and Carrie saw them and started fawning over them. I looked over my shoulder expecting to see some ugly, well I guess cute in human standards, but ugly to elves guys. I had been taking a sip of water when I saw them and choked on my water it spilled out my nose. It caused quite the conundrum and all the girls at my table replied with varying "ewwws" or "that's disgusting" The three men that had come in were none other then Alvar, Ruy, and Brant.

I made eye contact with Alvar and his eyes widened. I had used an elf potion to transform myself into a black haired blue eyed girl, but apparently alvar could see through it. I internally sighed to myself as he started to walk over which caused the girls to giggle even louder and more obnoxiously batting their eye lashes at him. Brant and Ruy were yet to see me so I turned around. Hopefully they wouldn't recognize me with my back turned to them. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Alvar. "Can we talk for a second" he asked, then glanced at the girls, "In private?" he added.

"fine" I said somewhat rudely, "just make it quick."

he grabbed my hand and led me away. I turned back to see all my friends giving me thumbs ups with cheesy grins on their faces.
I just rolled my eyes and prepared myself for a fight. Little did those girls that Alvar, Ruy, and Brant were part of an evil organization and that all of these guys that had just walked in were probably all murderers.

We reached the ally and I was expecting Alvar to vanish and attack me, instead he told me, "Sophie, you need to go back to the Lost Cities. You made a wrong decision, you have probably figured that out by now though. People are worried about you. Your family is worried about you. I know."
"You know nothing about me or my family" I spat at him.
His face darkened, "the others do not know you are here. But if you leave I will tell them and the Neverseen will hunt you down...and then kill you. So mark my words Sophie Foster, you'd be doing yourself a favor if you went back" then he strode out of the alley.
"I am not going back" I hissed, I could feel the anger building up inside of me.
"Fine, your decision" he said with a smile and a shrug. Then he disappeared, but not before I heard him whisper in your ear, "and a decision you are going to regret"

I walked back to my table only to find that my friends from the lost cities were here to, and Keefe and Fitz were flirting with my friends. Literally was the whole world out to get me.
"How can this get any worse?" I said to myself before texting my friend that I had to go somewhere unexpectedly. I was probably just going to go back to the dorm to wait for May to get back when I felt someone kick me in the back. I turned around and sucker punched the person who had attempted to harm me, (yes I had kept my sucker punch Dex had made me all those years ago) I looked at the cafe and saw Fitz, Keefe, and the rest of my friends staring wide eyed as well as a crowd that had gathered around the fight as I blocked, kicked, and hit my opposers. I knew the only way I would be able to rid myself of the three Neverseen was to use my inflicting which I still hadn't completely gotten control of so my inflicting would hurt everyone near me. I sent a sorry to all my friends before I let my anger take control. Soon everyone was laying on the ground shaking in pain. I turned to go, to get away from this awful sight. So many people on the ground hurt because of me. This is why I had to go, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to clear my mind of guilt when I heard a voice croak, "Foster" I saw Keefe his head raised. MY disguise was obviously gone, worn off and I was now a blond haired brown eyed elf like I used to be. "Don't go, don't leave me again" he whispered his voice strained.
"I'm sorry Keefe this is what's best" I tried to keep the tears out of my voice but failed.
I ran off sobbing into the unknown, the dark unknown.

A/N: this was a longer chapter then I thought it would be but I guess that's good right? I promise that Sophie will meet up with the gang, especially Keefe soon and I apologise if there is some Sofitz but you know how Sophie is.

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