Keefe: Chapter 7

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A/n ok so I'm going to do this chapter in Keefe's POV so let me know what you think also my apology for never updating is at the end.

I laid in my bed thinking about how everything was my fault she was still out there I dragged my hands down my face groaning. What was I going to do. The whole squad was falling apart without Foster. We tried to keep everything normal, but sleepovers always ended up in a fight and everyone leaving. We are all on end here stressed and filled anxiety. Looking for her, missing her, needing her.
I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths to calm myself. I was about to grab a sedative, the only way I could sleep nowadays when I heard a thud on my window sill. I pretended to be asleep as I heard my window creak open I heard a gasp. Then silence. Then a rustling of paper and the clank of a small object. Then breathing. I used ability to feel the mystery persons emotions, sadness, regret, the tiniest hint of guilt but then it vanished. And then I felt. Love? It was very faint but I think it might be.... My thoughts were cut off by a voice,

"I'm sorry Keefe" the voice whispered, it was Sophie, "I'm so so sorry"

I heard a whoosh counted to ten and opened my eyes, she was gone. I felt tears rising and didn't stop them from pouring a river through my room. Without a second thought I gulped down two bottles of sedatives. And passed out into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up and realized that Sophie had left a letter, and an imparter.
I grabbed the letter and tore it open,
Dear Keefe, I am so sorry, but this is what I have to do it is the best decision for everyone.
I will always have these memories of you us flying on Silveny, us having a sleep over at Everglen, and my favorite, the Ferris Wheel that place will always have a special place in my heart, you should visit it some time. Now for the serious stuff, Their is an imparter I have left you for emergencies call me if you need I will always be their for you.

At this moment, I was filled with rage. I face truly cared why would she leave! But then as I finished reading the letter about everything that had happened to cause this, my anger became sadness. As my eyes slowly finished reading the letter not wanting it to end, these might be the last words I ever heard from her.

Love, Sophie Foster

At this point I lost it, tears began pouring out of my eyes, if you had seen me you might have thought I was a hydroconetic. I layer on my bed till the tears disappeared and the pain turned numb.

Later that day I met up with my friends, they to had received a letter but not an imparter, unless they were hiding it like me. But I do not think so. We talked about finding a way to find Sophie. I just sat their quietly knowing I had a way to help but could not use it, Sophie would not want that. Through the whole meeting which end up with everyone a sobbing mess. Fitz kept glancing at me. He had been my best friend for years and probably knew I was hiding something. I could not tell him though his anger would get the best of him.

After everyone went home, Fitz cornered me and confronted me about what my letter said. I guess I was too obvious about my secret. But I couldn't tell him, Sophie had trusted ME, only ME as far as I could tell. Fitz then asked again what the letter was about and gazed at me with a cold hard glare. I looked back at him holding his same gaze before shaking my head,
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you" I looked at my feet then back up to him, his face was getting red and he looked terrifyingly angry.
"Then you leave me no choice" he said slowly walking toward me like a lion stalking its prey, he then looked deep into my eyes and suddenly I felt a presence in my mind,
HE WAS TRYING TO READ MY MIND! THAT IS TAKING IT TO FAR. I pushed him away and desperately reached into my pocket grabbing the leaping crystal that always had brought me happiness and leaped into the light, unsure of what would  happen when I saw him again later that week.
Once I reached home I pulled out the imparter and the letter reading it over again. Suddenly my eyes filled with tears for what felt like the hundredth time today. I collapsed on the floor and sobbed. I had to get all my tears out now, I can't let anyone see me like this because him the jokester, the prankster, the guy who doesn't really care.
After collecting myself and hiding the letter and imparter in a secret compartment I lay in bed wondering to myself... would I ever see her again?....

Hi guys, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for never updating. I started this book a while ago and I plan on continuing it, but please be patient with inconsistent updates. School has been really stressful recently and I've had a lot of stuff going on so again I am so sorry about not updating for a while. I was looking back at some old apps and I reopened this one and I found this draft which was I complete so I decided to finish it and I will try to work on other chapters in my free time. I did not reread the beginning which I wrote a while ago so I'm sorry for any errors. Also sorry for anything that I wrote wrong about KOTLC, I haven't read it a while and I was trying to remember all the facts but there is so much stuff now. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT BOOK TO COME OUT! But yea, that's my apology. Creative criticism is always encouraged I really want to better my writing. Also sorry for mispellings I haven't been getting a lot of sleep recently so I'm very tired right now. Sorry again,
Cinnamon :)

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