Chapter 1

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It was about three in the morning and Kane sat in the dark in his and Steffanie's hotel room. Lately, he just sat and watched Steffanie sleep. He kept waiting for the day when someone would tell her his darkest secret. Kane had never told Steffanie about her for fear of losing her. Steffanie was the only one since her he actually truly loved. If she found out what he did he knew she would leave him. He was finally getting the one thing he wanted more than anything with Steffanie. A normal life. The next day Steffanie woke up and Kane wasn't there. She was a bit worried about him. He had been acting a bit odd lately. He was really quiet and would just stare at her all the time. She wanted him to talk to her, but knew not to push him. She showered and dressed and headed for the arena. "Hey Steff" Ashley greeted.

"Hey, Ash," she said.

"So you ready to meet our trainee?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah. Hopefully, we can turn her into a real diva and not a barbie" Steffanie said. They entered the arena and walked into the women's locker room. Steffanie saw a thin brown haired girl with hazel eyes. She dressed in a pink skirt and matching top. "Hi I'm Lya," the girl said.

"I'm Steffanie and this is Ashley," Steffanie said introducing herself and her friend.

"Nice to meet you guys," Lya said, "So you're my trainers?"

"Yep," Ashley said.

"Well we better get you ready for tonight," Steffanie said taking the girl by her elbow. Kane sat in the dark basement of the arena. He hated leaving without letting Steffanie know, but he needed to get away and think. He had so much going through his mind. He loved her so much and he didn't know if he should tell Steffanie about her or not. He didn't want anyone else to say anything to her, but he didn't want the one person he loves to think of him as the monster everyone else sees. Steffanie was the most important thing to Kane and if his dark secret got out he'd make sure whoever told her would pay for taking her from him. That night Steffanie was standing by the curtain getting ready to watch Ashley and Lya go against the Bella Twins. As she watched the two run down the ramp she felt a familiar set of arms around her waist. Kane kissed her cheek and she rested her head against his chest. Steffanie loved the affection Kane gave her, but she just knew something was on his mind and wanted so bad for him to confide in her. She watched as Ashley pinned Nikki for the win. "We won," Ashley said running up to Steffanie and Kane. "You guys rocked," Steffanie said. "I have to get ready for my match," Kane said as Steffanie turned around in his arms and kissed him. "I'll be right by your side," Steffanie said. Kane kissed her one more time and went to get ready. Steffanie followed Kane to the ring. She climbed in the ring and Kane did his pyro. The crowd popped and he kissed Steffanie before she climbed out of the ring. He was facing Orton. Kane choke slammed Orton for the three count and won. Before he could do his pyro he thought he heard something. "Glen.." Not even Steffanie knew his real name that he knew of and the voice didn't sound like Steffanie. He shook it off and went to do his pyro again. "Can you hear me Glen?.." the voice called again. He looked around and didn't see anyone.

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