Chapter 4

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A few days passed and Steffanie couldn't shake the dream she had. What worried her the most it seemed like the girl in her dream thought Kane was in trouble. "Hey," Ashley said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Ready for our match tonight?" Ashley asked.

"we have a match?" Steffanie asked confused.

"Yeah us and Lya against Layla, Beth, and," Ashley said stopping her sentence.

"And who?" Steffanie asked.

"Tori," Ashley said. Steffanie had to fight back anger every time she heard Tori's name.

 "I'm more than ready," Steffanie said. That night Kane was preparing for his match against Zack Ryder. Kane was getting annoyed by all the big talk coming from the annoying man and wanted to make sure he would shut him up for good. 

"He's gonna learn not to piss me off!" Kane growled.

"Give him hell baby," Steffanie said. Just then Tori walked by. She smiled at Kane and the flirtation behind it made Steffanie tense up. Kane ignored Tori and walked over to Steffanie and grabbed her hand as Tori walked off. 

"Let's go get you ready for your match," Kane said breaking Steffanie's gaze on Tori. That night as she waited by the curtains for Ashley and Lya Kane just stood by her side and kept his arms around her waist. As they made their way down the ramp Layla and Beth stared Ashley and Steffanie down. Steffanie noticed Tori staring at Kane and she couldn't wait to get her hands on her. The match started and Lya went against Beth. Even though Beth was bigger Lya was pretty fast for a new girl. Beth tagged in Tori and Lya tagged in Ashley. Ashley put Tori through pain and Steffanie loved it. Ashley was about to pin Tori when Layla came in and kicked her making her team lose. As tori got up she looked over and saw Kane talking to Steffanie. "Hi Kane," she said pushing between him and Steffanie, "How have you been?"

"What do you want Tori?" Kane growled.

"I was thinking about how much I actually missed you," Tori said as she flirtedly touched Kane's arm. Steffanie snapped. "Tori!" she called. Tori turned around and Steffanie kicked her in the face as hard as she could. Tori hit the mat hard. Steffanie kneeled down and grabbed Tori's throat harshly. "Stay away from my husband or I will hurt you" That night Steffanie sat on the bed in their hotel room reading. Kane was trying to make sure she didn't notice him staring at her. He knew she was shaken by the whole Tori situation and when he seen how she acted tonight he was feeling a tad bit guilty. He loved Steffanie for how sweet and gentle she was and when he saw how she handled Tori he couldn't help but, think he was turning her into a mean person. That was last thing he wanted. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she said but, Kane could see something was wrong and he knew what it was. "You don't have to worry about her"

"Its just I've seen the videos of everything that happened then" Steffanie said,"I could tell you loved her"

"I thought I did," Kane said. He brushed a lock of hair out of Steffanie's face and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed his lips. Soon her lips didn't leave his. As Kane laid back Steffanie carefully sat on top of him as their lips never unlocked. Steffanie felt so safe in Kane's arms. She was always hearing people say she probably shivered in fear every time Kane touched her. That was far from the truth. She felt completely safe in his strong secure arms. He wasn't rough with her and never scared her. He was always gentle. When they made love it was always filled with passion. A few weeks passed and Tori was really pissing Steffanie off. She arrived at their hotel room and found a note asking Kane to meet Tori for dinner. "I don't know how much longer I can hold back before I hurt her Ash!" Steffanie said laying on her bed.

"I don't blame you Steff," Ashley said.

"This whole situation is making me sick," Steffanie said rubbing her tummy. She had been feeling sick the past few days. She was asleep when Kane returned. 

"She ok?" he asked.

"She said she hasn't been feeling good," Ashley said. Kane just laid beside her after Ashley left. He was worried. Steffanie was usually never sick. Suddenly she woke up and ran to the bathroom. Kane heard her throwing up. When she came out of the bathroom Kane realized how pale she looked. He helped her lay down. He laid down beside her as she fell asleep again.

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