Chapter 5

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Steffanie finally made a doctor's appointment and was sitting in the doctors office waiting for her test results to come back. She hoped whatever bug she had would go away before SummerSlam that Sunday. She was facing Beth for a chance at Layla's title. She was deep in thought about the moves she would use in the match when the doctor walked in. 

"Mrs. Kane, your test results are in," the doctor said.

"Can I wrestle Sunday?" she asked.

"Actually you won't be wrestling for a while," the doctor said.

"How long?" Steffanie asked.

"About nine months," the doctor said, "you're pregnant" Steffanie couldn't believe it. She was gonna have her second child. She couldn't wait to tell Kane. Steffanie drove to where the guys were having a meet and greet. They were all wrapping things up when she got there. She walked up to Kane and gave him a soft passionate kiss. 

"Feeling better?" he asked as their lips disconnected. "Better then better," she said, "I'm pregnant" Kane lifted her up gently by the waist and kissed her softly. That night Steffanie asked Ashley to hang out with her. "Sure you don't wanna join?" Steffanie asked walking out of the bathroom. "No, I'll be fine here," he said, "plus you deserve a girls night out" She kissed him as there was a knock on the door. Ashley walked in. 


"Yep," Steffanie said kissing Kane one more time before leaving. Kane laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling of the room. He almost drifted off when he heard the voice again. "She's coming Glen" He shook off the stalking voice and tried to sleep. "Hi Kane" he heard Tori say and shot up. 

"What do you want?!" Kane snarled trying to scare her. 

"Oh come on Kane", Tori said, "I know you have to be a little happy to see me"

"The only woman I'm happy to see is my wife," Kane said.

"Oh yes," Tori said walking closer to Kane, "she is a very beautiful girl"

"I know, now what do you want?" Kane asked with obvious irritation in his voice.

"I wanted to see you," Tori said, "I've really missed you"

"Well maybe you should've thought about that fourteen years ago" Kane snapped, "before you made me watch as you kissed that ingrate"

"I wasn't thinking clearly Kane and I can tell that you like that I'm back," Tori said leaning toward Kane. 

"You need your eyes examined then Tori," Kane said getting up.

'Kane come on" Tori said, "don't you remember everything we had?"

"Yes I do," Kane said with anger in voice, "I also remember you throwing all of it away for someone else"

"But, we can get it back," Tori said as she got so close to Kane he was starting to feel uncomfortable. 

"I don't want it back" he snarled, "what I have now is way better than what we ever had" Before he could do anything Tori lifted herself up and pressed her lips to Kane's and as it happened Steffanie walked in. Before Kane could do anything she ran back out. He grabbed Tori by the throat and looked straight into her eyes. "Tori, you're nothing to me anymore and if you cost me the only person who is I will make sure you pay in the most painful way I can think of!" Kane growled throwing the diva to the ground and running out to try and find Steffanie. 

"Steff are you sure?" Ashley asked.

"I wasn't seeing things Ash," Steffanie said drying her eyes.

"If I know anything it's that Kane truly loves you Steff, and only you" Ashley said.

"I know," Steffanie said, "I just need to stay with you for tonight ok?"

"Ok," Ashley said handing her friend another tissue. After Steffanie fell asleep Ashley went to talk to Kane. She found him in the basement room of the hotel. "Hey," she said.

"Is she ok?" he asked.

"She's a bit shaken up," Ashley said.

"Ashley, I did not kiss Tori" Kane stated, "she kissed me but, I swear I didn't kiss back"

"I believe you Kane," Ashley said.

You do?" he asked shocked.

"Tori was crazy fourteen years ago and she's still crazy now," Ashley said, "Steff will see that once she calms down"

"Just make sure she doesn't stress" Kane said.

"I will," Ashley said. A week went by and Steffanie missed Kane so bad it hurt. "Steff go track him down," Ashley said.

"Hey probably doesn't wanna see me," Steffanie said.

"Steff, he misses you too" Ashley said, "trust me" Friday came and Ashley had just won a match against Beth. "Wow Ash, you kicked butt," Steffanie said.

"Thanks," Ashley said grabbing a bottle of water. "Hi Steffanie," Tori said. It took every ounce of strength Steffanie had not to attack her. "What the hell do you want?"

'Oh, I already got what I wanted" Tori snickered, "when your husband kissed me" Steffanie snapped and attacked Tori. She threw punch after punch and had Tori bleeding. As Ashley tried to pull her off Tori kicked Steffanie in the stomach and she fell back and screamed.

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