Chapter 8

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Steffanie tried to open the door of the barn, but it was locked from the outside somehow. She pounded on the door and yelled for help, but she was pretty sure no one could hear her. "Where?!" Kane asked as he ran outside.

"The old horse stables," Mr. Stone said.

"Oh my God," Mrs. Stone said, "that's where Steffanie is" Kane didn't even think before taking off toward the old barn. He reached the barn and could see the flames dancing along the sides of the building. He flashed back to his childhood for a second. The night his parents died. How he had to crawl through all the smoke to get out of the house. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Steffanie screaming his name. "KANE!" Steffanie screamed as loud as she could praying with everything she had that he knew about the fire. 

"STEFFANIE!" she heard him.

"KANE HELP!" she screamed through coughs. The smoke was super thick by now. "Get away from the door!' Kane called. He was gonna try to kick the door open. He backed up and ran toward the door and kicked it as hard as he could, but the doors didn't budge. Steffanie was about to walk back to the door when a beam that was in flames fell blocking her way. "KANE!" she screamed. She was terrified she'd never see him or any of her loved ones again. She spotted a ladder to the chicken coop and climbed up it. She was able to knock open the little door. "KANE!" she called.

"Steff be careful" he called back as a flame forced her to jump back inside. "The fire department is on their way," Mr. Stone said.

"We don't have time for that," Kane said as he spotted an ax laying on the porch. He ran over and grabbed it. Hey ran to the barn and started destroying it with the ax. Using as much strength as he could summon. When the door broke enough he pulled the wood apart and ran in. through the smoke he could see Steffanie laying on the ground. Covering her nose and mouth. He ran to her and picked her up and hurried back outside. He laid her on the ground and made sure she was ok. "Breath baby," he said as Steffanie's lungs took in the fresh air. Once she could breath she heard sirens and voices. 

"Check the field," someone said. Kane helped her sit up. "Are you ok?" Kane asked.

"Yeah just really thirsty," she said. 

"I'll get you some water," her mom said. Kane went to get up, but she pulled him back. "I don't wanna leave this spot," she said, "I just wanna sit here with you"

"You sure you're ok?' Kane asked.

"No, for a minute I thought I'd never get to be in your arms again," Steffanie said as she snuggled up to Kane. Kane kissed her cheek and held her close as her mom brought her the water. Just then she heard a cop yell.

 "We caught someone!" Two cops came walking back from the field and there was a woman with them. As they got closer they saw it was Tori. "Do you know this woman?" the officer asked.

"She's a deranged woman who keeps trying to steal my husband," Steffanie said, "she always fails"

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