Chapter 9

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Later that night Steffanie was asleep, but Kane couldn't sleep. He walked onto the patio just outside the guest room and stared at the sky. "You deserve her" he heard the voice say. Only this time the voice was really close. He turned around and his mouth fell open. "Ka..Katie" he stuttered.

"Hi Glen," she said. She looked just like she did when they were teens. The same long blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She was dressed in a beautiful white gown that seemed to glow. "How are you.." Kane started to say.

"Here?' she finished for him, "I've been trying to reach you for a while"

"Why?" Kane asked still not sure if he was dreaming or not.

"To let you know that Steffanie is never going to leave you and that what happened to me is not your fault," Katie said.

'Katie I lifted a car once as a stupid joke, but when it came to saving you I couldn't do it" Kane said.

"Glen, you tried, but it was my time," she said, "you didn't kill me and Steffanie will understand that"

"No, she won't," Kane said.

"I know she will Glen, after all, that's why I sent her to you," Katie said.

"What?" Kane asked confused.

"I have been looking for someone for so long to show you that you can love and can be loved and when I came across Steffanie I knew she was the one" Katie said.

"How?" Kane asked.

"I could see everything she was gonna give you and the happiness you would experience with her," Katie said, "Glen, she's your soulmate"

"But I thought you were," Kane said.

"I was for a bit, but we weren't meant to be" Katie said, "Steffanie's heart was made to be yours and yours to be her's"

"So if I tell her about that night she won't hate me?' Kane asked.

"Glen, she will never hate you," Katie said.

"Katie, I want you to know I have missed you," Kane said.

"I've missed you too Glen, but you can stop missing me now," Katie said, "you have all the love you need right there on that bed"

"Thank you, for sending her my way," Kane said, "she's shown me love I never thought I'd see" Katie smiled at him and walk closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Kane swore he felt the coolness of her touch. She softly pressed her lips to his.

 "Let yourself be happy now Glen, you deserve to be happy for once," Katie said.

"I love you Katie, ya know as the first love I'll never forget" Kane said.

"I love you too Glen" Katie stepping back, "Take care and always protect her" with that Katie vanished with a white glow. Kane was still a bit confused about what he saw, but he knew it was really Katie. 

"Kane" he heard Steffanie call, " you ok?' Kane turned around as Steffanie walked out onto the balcony. "I'm fine, I need to tell you something about my past" Kane said sitting on the edge of the bed as Steffanie sat on his lap. "What is it?" she asked.

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