Chapter 25

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If there was anything worse than dealing with stupid high school rumors, it was putting up with the pity that now seemed to follow Machi around the school. That first day back after training camp was the worst. A one-two punch of whispers spreading like wildfire as to why her right knee was wrapped in bandages and she hobbled around on crutches; and then when the news had spread, the looks of sympathy that she could never get away from. Machi despised pity, a trait she blamed on inheriting from her father, who was also responsible for the reason she had to experience so much pity in the first place.

"So what did the doc say?" Tsukki picked at an invisible spot on the volleyball in his hands, feigning disinterest at the answer. Tadashi, however, poked his head around Tsukki's shoulder to listen closely. He hadn't been brave enough to ask himself when Machi had shown up in the middle of their practice Monday afternoon, grumpy from spending half the morning at the doctor's office, and even less happy with the results. Still fuming quietly to herself, Machi had skipped out on her own practice (what was the point if she couldn't be on the mats with everyone else) and made a beeline to the volleyball gym, where she dropped into a chair next to Kiyoko with a huff and waited until their practice ended. Her cousin was the first to rush over to her, anxiety pinching his face.

"Torn ligament." She grumbled to Tsukki, just loud enough for the rest of the team to eavesdrop. Machi was a little glad they were all paying attention, it would save her the trouble of having to repeat the same sob story over and over, but she really didn't want to deal with the crowd of them right now. Her knee was aching, and the crutches made her bruised arms sore. In all honesty, the only thing she wanted to do was eat a bunch of junk food and watch re-runs of sitcoms, alone.

Her bad mood of course did not stop the Karasuno team from congregating around her chair, the squeaking of shoes making her eye twitch as they gathered closer. Despite their proximity, Machi kept her gaze glued on the floor, knowing if she looked up all she would see would be a dozen pairs of eyes locked on her, a dozen different shades of pity clouding them. The sympathy of strangers was one thing, but it was ten times worse when it was from people she knew, people who cared about her. And she really didn't want to deal with that just yet.

"Oh, that's kinda bad, isn't it?" Hinata meant well of course, but Machi's patience had already run thin. Giving him such a look Hinata was sure he'd spontaneously combust, Machi snapped back with more bite than she anticipated.

"Yeah no shit, Tangerine-Head, tell me something I don't already know."

Sensing the trouble boiling to the surface, the ever kind vice-captain stepped around his taller teammates and placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder, "Hey guys, the court still needs to be cleaned, why don't you go be useful and grab the mops." Hinata took the escape and the other first and second years followed quickly behind, only Tadashi hesitating for a moment to sneak a peak at his cousin.

Waving away both Daichi and Asahi as well, Suga pulled at a second chair and plopped down next to his bristling girlfriend. Even with the rest of the team away and extremely focused on their chores, Machi kept her face angled towards the gym floor, attempting to hide behind her ponytail. Suga chuckled lightly at her attempts to hide, then carefully brushed her hair out of her face. "Hey, come on don't hide your pretty face from me."

Machi only shook her head furiously and continued to refuse his coaxing. Any other occasion and she might have caved, but this time Suga was the one person who would only make things worse. She knew if she turned around and faced him, all she'd see was that damn bruise on his face, and she would have to relive the entire horrible event all over again. And she'd worked hard to keep that from happening. So like a child, Machi pouted and refused to look away from the floor, turning her chair so her back faced him. When Suga scooted his chair a bit closer to try and peer around at her, Machi inched hers farther away, prompting an improvised game of cat and mouse that only ended when Suga grabbed her chair and wouldn't let go.

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