Raindrops of Reality

47 5 1

Raindrops of Reality - Poems in English

By claire_brdn_ 

Reviewer: quixotic_cat 

Title of book and titles of poems: 10/10

The titles were great and creative.

Cover: 10/10

The cover was beautiful and well-done. I love the outstretched hands with the pouring rain.

Blurb: 7/10

Your blurb was wonderful and gave a general idea of what the book was about, but it lacked an interesting hook to draw in readers. While poetry lovers like me could be hooked from the start, others may not be, and you really want the blurb to appease and hook all readers. I suggest maybe using an excerpt from one of your poems, song lyrics, quote, etc in your blurb.

Flow/rhyme: 10/10

The flow was as smooth as a river. It was perfection!

Vocabulary/spelling: 10/10

The vocabulary and spelling were excellent. I found no spelling errors and the vocabulary wasn't too dull nor too complex. Some poets use complex words, but you mostly stuck with the simple ones and that's okay. I think the simpleness makes your poetry even more relatable and understanding to people.

Grammar/line structure/punctuation: 10/10

The grammar, line structure, and punctuation were spot on and spectacular. As a writer, judge, reviewer, and editor, I'm known for my pickiness about grammar and punctuation. However, I have no complaints about your grammar and punctuation. It was all good.

Use of literary devices/figurative language: 10/10

There was a ton of literary devices used and all of them were perfectly placed. The metaphors were fantastic and really enhanced the meaning and emotion of the poem.

Originality/Meaning: 10/10

There was little to no clichéness and the meanings were truthful and clear.

Enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 87/90

Overall, I loved this book and your poetry was very truthful and emotional. I could feel the emotion pouring out of it. This is for sure one of my favorite books of poetry I've ever reviewed, judged, and read. It was wonderful all the way through and a masterpiece. It was so good that I had a hard time pointing out things to improve upon because there was little to improve. I would recommend this not just to poetry lovers, but to everyone because it is so well-written. Keep on writing, my dear.

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