Angel Full Of Flowers

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Angel Full of Flowers

By writingjuniper 

Reviewer: MeowMeow422 

Title of book and chapters: 10/10 

 I like the book title, it piques my intrest. I prefer you give a title for each chapter to make them more attention grabbing, but that is up to you. I like how you place flowers on the chapters' titles though.

Cover: 10/10 

 I really love your cover! It's beautiful and fits the title perfectly. It's adorable.

Blurb: 9/10 

 I love how you introduce the two protagonists--describing them without giving too much away. That said, I prefer you at least hint at what adventures and/or troubles that befell Camellia. Again, this might help you grab readers' attention.

Flow/ plot: 9/10 

 I adore how you write--it's exactly what a real novel would be like. The flow is smooth, albeit a bit fast-paced. I like the cliché plot (cause let's be honest, there's nothing new under the sun). The main protagonist is going through a lot, so it's nice to see things from her point of view. It'd be entertaining if you try writing a chapter or two from Angel's POV, but it is up to you.

Usage of literary devices/ figurative language/ description: 8/10 

 I love books with detailed descriptions--ones that help me imagine the characters in as much detail as possible; yours doesn't much. There's far less decription in your book than I'd like. Once in a while, I do find a fitting descriptions. And occasionally, there's that entertaining phrase you include. Thanks for that (please note, I'm not being sarcastic). For the description part, I'll give you some sage advice someone gave to me; use your--or in this case, Camellia's--five senses. Write what she sees, smells, hears, tastes and what she feels; though, not all at once.

Characters: 10/10 

 I love the characters. They're well-written. I like how Camellia just wants a normal school life, how realistic she is, and how she constantly thinks of her mother. I like how Iris and Tulip are such kind and understanding friends. Like how they still offered to sit with Camellia, despite the latter not wanting to sit at the table (because Angel was there). For now, the most intresting person--in my own personal opinion--is Magnolia, the maid. I hope you include her more.

Vocabulary and spelling: 8/10 

 Your spelling is superb! There wasn't any spelling mistakes. The vocab was not too difficult to understand, but I don't like how you overuse some words. I suggest widening your horizons. Instead of just using 'said', you could use words like 'state', 'exclaim', 'speak' and others; based on suitability. Certain people may like the simpleness of using said, but I like having a wide vocab. Don't limit yourself.

Grammar and sentence structure: 10/10 

 It's great, really. I honestly don't have much to say about this.

Originality/ Meaning: 9/10 

 As mentioned before your book is cliché; and I love it. I like cheesy, predictable and/or cliché stuff. Because who doesn't love a good cheesy, sappy movie? Besides, one of the sub-genres is humor, right? The cheesy-ness actually makes me smile in amusement. You definitely nail that part--and the drama is great. Preferably, add some spice or depth to the story; your special touch to it. As stated, this book is kinda cliché--so you gotta make it your own. You have to add that pinch of unique seasoning that only you're capable of making. 

Enjoyment: 9/10

Total: 92/100

 Personally, this type of book is not my cup of tea. That said, your book is enjoyable. I, myself, wouldn't go out of my way to read teenfic, but I would definitely suggest this to my friends who do. But don't let this discourage you; from what I've seen you have many people who support and love your book (seriously, how do you have so many comments on each chapter?). I liked how you took inspiration from anime. Overall, I enjoyed your story.

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