Love is All

51 5 1

Love is All

By MeowMeow422 

Reviewer: quixotic_cat 

Title of book and chapters: 10/10 

 The titles were nice and reflected the idea of the particular chapter. 

Cover: 10/10 

 The cover was very creative and cute.

Blub: 7/10 

 The blurb was well-done and gave a general idea of the book. However, the only thing I suggest is to make it stand out a little bit more. There are a lot of one-shot books out there, so what makes yours stand out from the others? 

Flow/plot: 9/10 

 Since it's just a one-shot book, it is kinda hard to have a complete, drawn-out plot. However, the overall comprehension and mini-plot of the one-shot are just as important as a complete, drawn-out plot in my opinion. The flow of these one-shots was excellent and the mini-plot of each of them were clear to see. It was a little fast-paced, but that was to be expected since it's one-shots. In addition, the paragraphs were a little long and harder to understand. I suggest going back and taking the time to break apart some of them. Usually, you start a new paragraph when there is a new idea or focus and when someone else talking. However, you had some paragraphs in which there was dialogue from different people. Not only does this disrupt the flow a little bit, but the reader has a harder time understanding what is going on too. 

Usage of literary devices/figurative language/description: 8/10 

 The descriptions were wonderful. I could picture it in my mind as I was reading along. However, there was less description than what I would like. You are good with pointing out places, objects, shapes, reactions, character depth, etc, but kinda forget about the colors. In addition, if you want more description in your writing, then use your five senses, which are taste, touch, hear, smell, and sight, more. Perhaps you could use more metaphors and hyperboles to enhance the one-shot too if you'll like.

Characters: 10/10 

 The characters were well-written. I'm familiar with most of the fandoms you covered with your one-shots and I can say that the characters stayed true to their personality. Of course, there were times where they acted out of character, but the overall depth was awesome in character and out of character.

Vocabulary/spelling: 8/10 

 The vocabulary and spelling were superb. There weren't much overused words that I noticed and the vocabulary wasn't too complex or simple. It actually made sense. However, I did notice some spelling mistakes here and there. Just remember to take the time to proofread and spell-check it carefully and you should be good. 

Grammar/sentance structure: 9/10 

 The grammar and sentence structure was fantastic. I did see a few mistakes, but it's nothing you can't fix by going through it again. 

Punctuation: 8/10 

The punctuation was great. You might want to consider switching some of your commas and semicolons for periods or transitions though. I felt like some of the sentences you used them in were run-on sentences and didn't flow as great. 

Originality/Meaning: 8/10 

 The one-shots were a little cliché, but sweet. They had your special twist on them! 

Enjoyment: 8/10 

 Total: 95/110

These one-shots were so sweet and kawaii. They definitely made me smile. However, the chapter "Forever Home" was a little sad though. Very well-written. I enjoy reading one-shots and yours wasn't an exception to that. I suggest just taking the time to go through and reread it all, fixing those minor issues, and then you should be good to go. However, don't let this get you down. You are still an excellent writer and keep on writing, my dear. I personally love reading this book and would totally recommend it to anime lovers and people who enjoy one-shots. 

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