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By CheshireVibes

Reviewer: AlphaLover15

Title: 8/10
Although lacking a little when in terms of fitting the genre norms, the title is a great hook for readers to want to delve deeper into the book and explore the ideas the author has just from the title.
Blurb: 9/10
Although short, the author does a wonderful job in hooking the reader into the book just by the mysterious aspects of her blurb. It draws the reader in just as much as Anastasia is captivated by AJ and her bloodlust for him.
Cover: 10/10
The cover is amazing! The model on the front clearly depicts the mystery of Anastasia and her vampiric personality, and the background melds in wonderfully with the text and character! Well done!
Grammar/Vocab: 20/20
I don't do this often, but I'm pleasantly surprised! There were no grammatical errors that I caught and the book was polished to a T!
Writing Style: 17/20
Although at times there were places when the scenes shifted too quickly or the dialogue was choppy, the writing style of the author was really good!
Plot: 9/10
There are many books that have a vampire in high school, and while it is a bit cliché, the author has done a wonderful job of executing a new scene in vampire tales where instead of a male vampire, this time, the main protagonist is a female vampire who crushes on a human boy.
Originality: 10/10
This book is very original. I have never read anything like it before! It's captivating and exciting and very hooking all at once!
Overall Enjoyment: 9/10
Overall, I very much enjoyed this book. I'm usually a werewolf person, but back when I first started on Wattpad, I used to read a ton of vampire books. This story made me remember my love for vampires!
Also, Pam and Ana are just very memorable characters!

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