May 2, 2005 / October 5, 2005

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May 2nd 2005


6 years after the strange dissapearnce of The Boy who Lived, Harry Potter, at the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, Harry Potter Returns from the dead and defeats You - Know-Who!

April 29th, Harry Potter, Accompanied by apparent lover Ginevra Weasley, and long time friend Ronald Weasley, strolled into the Ministry of Magic killing Voldemort mid-speech for the upcoming celebration of the Order of the Phoenix's original defeat on May 2nd 1998.

After Harry Potter struck down the Dark Lord, the Hall was suddenly bombarded by other surviving Order of the Phoenix Members who have, as of today, taken back full control of the Ministry of Magic, and have appointed Kingsley Shaklebolt as temporary Minister.

Harry Potter was unavailable for questioning at the time of our asking, but readers are encouraged to stay tuned for comments on his whereabouts these past six years, and perhaps even a note on where The Boy Who Lives thinks his long time friend Hermione Granger ended up.

Miss Granger was absent from the Ministry take back, and has been filed as missing for the past five and a half years with the Department of Muggle Born Tracings.

- Your's Truly, Rita Skeeter


Hermione Granger was decidedly not a nervous witch.

The opposite was true in fact. She prided herself on her wit and quick thinking. She'd never left much time for second guessing her own decisions. Always keen to let her brain be the guide to her heart, unlike her friends who were fully driven by their hearts desires. Her brain didn't steer her wrong. Not ever. And thus, she had very little time to let her heart, in turn, cause any nervousness.

However all of that seemed to fly straight out of the window the second the newest edition of the Daily Prophet was placed on her desk at the Library.

Voldemort was dead.

Since she was eleven years old the idea of the greatest dark wizard the wizarding world had ever seen being truly defeated seemed like an unattainable dream. The wish of a naive schoolgirl fighting evil with her childhood best friends. Time and time again they thought they had won, only for him to return the next year stronger than before, and with more fury than she had ever seen a witch or wizard posses before.

There were seldom days where she felt they could truly win.

Still in battle she was never nervous. She'd always let her instinct and cleverness take control of her. Even in the cold, desolate, nights camping in the woods, she'd not been nervous.

But this. This edition of the Daily Prophet that finally concluded that chapter of her life had made her toes tingle, her hands shake, and the breath lump in her throat.

"Miss, are you alright?" The beady eyed old lady who had placed the newspaper on her desk with a smile on her face was now looking at Hermione very worried.

"Yes. Yes, sorry. Just shocked is all" she responded hastily, moving the stack of returned books to the side in order to get a better look at the pictured adoring the front page of the Prophet.

Her long lost best friend stared back at her with bright green eyes and a smile bigger then the one she'd seen him sporting at his first Quidditch match. Harry Potter had his arm wrapped securing around Ginny's shoulders, beaming at the camera as the two of them allowed the reporters to photograph the pair for the first time, Harry for the first time in years.

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