November 29th, 2005

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November 29th, 2005



Draco couldn't remember a time he had been this nervous to venture into Muggle London.

It didn't matter that he had planned the outing entirely of his own volition. Or that Theo had spent the night before at his house and they had drank so much fire whiskey he wasn't capable of feeling said nerves until this morning.

Draco Malfoy was certainly the most nervous he had been in a long, long time. Possibly levelling out in a top ten scenario's up there with having the Dark Lord living in his house as a teenager and realizing he'd be raising his son on his own.

But this was a different kind of nervous. It wasn't terrifying or cruel or any of the ways one might describe scepticism so great they thought that their brain might implode. No, this nervousness was light and airy and full of anticipation.

It was the kind of nerves that schoolgirls would describe as 'having butterflies in your stomach'. Schoolgirls, and Theodore Nott for that matter, would describe the feeling as such. The faint flutter of nervous butterflies when you were anticipating something but were not scared. A fickle feeling that could relate to none other.

"It's kind of sweet you're all clammy and boyish because you planned a date for Granger", Theo smirked as he lifted Scorpius out of the highchair and onto the couch.

As it turned out, having ones best friend over, and no slightly hungover, made mornings slightly easier at Malfoy Cottage. Draco had been able to shower without worry or rushing while Theo fed his toddler breakfast and dressed him for their big day. However, every up had its downs, and with said Slytherin ally, those downs were sarcasm and preening.

"I doubt she will appreciate a full grown man stumbling over his words at a bloody cafe" Draco scorned, pouring his tea in a travel mug. He had little doubt that the four of them would immediately pursue food and beverage upon their arrival and he needed some form of caffeine in his system to face her. "And it's not a bloody date Theo, its a scheduled outing for the kids to see each other and for me to see Leo".

"Whatever you say b...."Theo muttered the last word under his breath, causing Draci's east to perk and listen carefully. Years of practice both in hiding from Voldemort and as a healer told him that muttering, shuddering, whispering, or in any way concealing one's words meant something important ... or imbecile..

"What was that Nott?" Draco stood at full attention, walking over to his peaceful son on the couch. Small graces gave him that Theo had at least dressed his son presentable in muggle denims and a black jumper: it was a far cry from the elf pyjamas that Theo had once tried to bring Scorpius in to supper.

"I said.." Theo perked himself taller to he eye level with Draco, both men now standing fully, facing off like schoolboys in a duel over a girl. "Water you say boomslang."

Draco huffed a large amount of air at his friend's childish insult, "It's not a bloody date!" Draco roared, picking up his son and curling him into his chest.

"Oh really?" Theo looked almost triumphant as Draco went to the fireplace and helped Scorp into his winter boots and fasten his muggle jacket around him. Theo persisted, despite Draco's obvious efforts to dissuade the entire conversation and be on his merry way, nerves and all.

"Because you look about as red as you did in fourth year when you asked Daphne Greengrass to the Yule Ball and she told you she was gay."

Draco remembered how red he had been. After all, he had run into the nearest bathroom after Blaise and Goyle had created the very nickname Theo was mocking him with. 'Boomslang', they had sung proudly, pointing at his fourteen year old self when he had tried and failed to ask a girl out, ' Boomslang, bashful snake'.

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