November 24th, 2005 / November 28th, 2005

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Daily Prophet- UK Edition

November 20th, 2005

Hermione Granger: Her Life and Child, The Secrets We Cannot Find!

Readers will remember that just weeks ago Hermione Granger (Friend to the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter) was spotted back in Britain after being missing for nearly seven years!

Her spotting came as no surprise as we had been previously informed by Miss Ginevra Weasely (Soon to be Potter) that the long time missing witch was to be returning to the country after time abroad during the war. That confirmation of her life and distance filled in a few gaps, but only more emerged with our recent citing.

What came as a shock to us and our readers was just how Miss Granger was spotted: with a child!

The little boy (pictured with curls that matched his mother) looked to be no more than six or seven in years and sparked the promotion of a romantic story between our beloved Boy Who Lived and the Witch who was known to a proclivity for famous men. Remember that years ago we covered the triangular romance of Harry Potter, Victor Krum, and Hermione Granger at the Yule Ball. We attempted to reach out to Miss Granger and her acquaintances for comment on the child's father and were told in stern words that there is no chance our Boy Who Lived has fathered the boy.

Miss Granger to to us with no return address:

"The notion that my son and friends are of any concern to you (As in myself, Rita Skeeter), or the readers of the Prophet is absolutely prosperous. Not only is the invasion of my private life not justified, but seeing as how my child is a minor and you did not obtain parental permission to publish his photo, the article and publication is entirely illegal. See immediately that any rumours of Harry Potter's fatherhood are shot down, and any and all tarnish of Ginny Weasely be erased or pulled form future articles. As for me and my child's privacy, you will not be getting an exclusive from myself or his father, and I expect any photographs of my son that are taken to remain unpublished... [Rest is redacted for our viewers comfort]"

We will update our readers as we gain information on any new leads. Until then our questions remain...

Where was Miss Granger hiding all this time? Who is this mystery man who as stolen her heart and given her a family?

And where will her secrecy end?

-Yours Truly, Rita Skeeter


November 24th, 2005



Hermione, Leo, and Betty were expected for three in the afternoon at Grimmauld Place.

It would be the first time Betty would step foot into a truly magical home; one that had constant domestic magic in place, and she would be privy to the knowledge of how Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter used magic so regularly you might have not assumed Hermione was a witch.

It wasn't that Hermione didn't favour her magic when needed, it was that she had grown so accustomed to doing things the muggle way around Betty at first, that it was second nature to continue doing just that.

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