October 17th, 2005

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The Daily Prophet- UK Edition

October 17th, 2005

Hermione Granger Back in London With a Child?

The Wizarding World has been on the search for their Golden Girl.

Hermione Granger, dubbed the Brightest Witch of her Age by her peers, went mysteriously missing after the Battle of Hogwarts. Like Mr Harry Potter, the Chosen Boy, the Golden Girl was a long-time member of the Order of the Phoenix and a founder of Dumbledore's Army during the early war years. They both went missing shortly following You Know Who's taker, but unlike your Chosen Boy, Miss Granger did not return for their final victory.

Instead, we at the Prophet, have been following her story for quite some time now, feeding off tiny details from her closest friends and potential sightings. Previously we disclosed that Miss Ginevra Weasley (soon to be Potter) was in contact with Miss Granger and that she would be moving back to London this fall. That was all we had then, but we have more for you now readers.

Just this past week, a scout in Diagon Alley photographed Miss Granger back in Wizarding London for the first time in over six years. But there's a surprise folks, by her side was a small boy, around ages five or six sporting her noticeable hair. We have reason to believe that Miss Granger, in her years away form the war has had a child!

More details to come as we try to secure an interview with our Golden Girl.

But questions are arising: Who is our Golden Girl's child's father? And is this why she left the war?

Daily Prophet, Rita Skeeter


Hermione's first reaction was to groan in annoyance.

Annoyance at Rita Skeeter's inability to recognize privacy rights and social decency, but also at herself and her lack of attention that day. She'd been so hell-bent of providing a happy escape for her and son that she had barley watched passerby's in Diagon Alley.

She'd missed the click of the camera, or the flash of its light in her haste to carry the full shopping bags and keep an eye on her son as he wandered through the streets and pointed through windows.

She'd half expected someone to recognize her that day. Possibly an old friend, or even a stranger recognizing her from the picture of her when she was fourteen. But to her surprise she had not, and now she realized it was not the universes gift to her. The universe was just sneaky in finding its ways on making her situation worse it seemed.

Hermione's second reaction was to panic.

It was evident by her eyes widening and her fingers instinctively tightening on the copy of the Daily Prophet, as if holding it tight enough would will it away from existence. Her nails making crescent moon shaped dents into the thin parchment the company used for printing. The lump grew in her that, tightening her throat and she had to fight down the panic rising in her body.

It was the Daily Prophet. Everyone would see this. Everyone would see her son on full display (minus is true hair colour). The whole of Wizarding London would know before he'd had a chance to tell everyone she needed to. Draco would see this.

Sure he knew, and had made it all but verbalized that he was not interested, but still. He was still Leo's biological father and she doubted that having his son plastered around Wizarding Britain's front pages, questioning about his parentage, was what he wanted. It certainly wasn't what she wanted and she had the whole truth to the story.

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