December 3rd, 2005 (Draco / Hermione)

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December 3rd, 2005



"And You're certain there is no evidence of magical tampering?" Draco had let the silence hang over the cramped St Mungo's office for far too long before he had finally voiced his concerns.

His mother sat beside him, his hand holding hers in a death grip: Draco wasn't sure if it was out of anger or fear. Anger that he, along with Theo, had convinced Narcissa to attend a Healing consult with the Head Mind Healer at St Mungo's. Fear for not knowing the results of all the tests that had ben run over the past hour.

Draco had convinced himself his mother would vehemently reject his offer again, like she had multiple time saver. But with Theo's prompting, and Draco's assurance that Narcissa could have time with her grandson afterwards, she had agreed. Reluctantly agreed, but still agreed, and Draco saw something in that.

They had made an appointment without Narcissi's full knowledge, only telling her it was happening not when it was happening.

Healer Richards had advised such a thing over his and Draco's Floo call. Tell his mother an appointment was being booked, but not tell her when. The reasoning behind such a decision seemed odd to himself, mostly because he never imagined his mother would attempt to cat concealment charms or occlumency block on her mind before and appointment should she had enough warning, but he went along with the protocol.

Now all four, five including Healer Richards, sat in the St Mungo's office immediately following Draco's day shift at the hospital, and immediately before Draco was set to be at Hermione's flat for dessert (and a long-awaited conversation).

The office might normally have been spacious, but all of them cluttered the pristine space. Their worried minds only narrowed the walls.

"Certain, Healer Malfoy" Draco nearly flinched at the formal tone of the Head Healer.

Draco knew that tone. He used that tone.

Talking to kids parents when the outlook was grim. When there was serious concern but not cure. Or serious concern but no prognosis or diagnosis existing yet. Ye'd received that tone before with Astoria, and now he thought me might be again with his mother. Not again.

"However..." Theo promoted from the other side of the room, Scorpius firmly in his lap playing with a stuffed animal Hermione had bought his son few weeks ago after their disastrous trip to the Weasley's Burrow for Dinner.

"However," Healer Richards continued and Draco help the hairs on his neck rise in worried anticipation. He felt his mother hand grip his tighter and heard Scorp whine as if the toddler could tell the change in wind in the room. "However, there seems to be severe mental blanks in her mind. All the cognitive and magical tests come up negative, meaning these block were not placed by an outsiders legitimacy, or a legilimins. It also rules out occlumency and obliviation- extraneous or self-attempted, or any casual or serious memory charms. It is not magical in nature, at least outwardly".

Non- magical. How could this be non-magical?

Draco had entertained several theories about his mothers worsening condition for months, years really. She'd started showing signs of deterioration shortly after the Battle of Hogwarts when Draco came home from France. It had worked after Astoria's passing and at first Draco blamed himself for all his mother's worries. That his life and stress was being put on her shoulders.

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