February 16th 2006 / February, 21st, 2006 / March 1st, 2006

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February 16th, 2006



Draco really had no idea why he was doing this.

It was a bad idea.

Theo had told him so. He knew it deep in his gut. And is Scorpius were capable of abstract thought he would also tell him so.

But that didn't mean that Draco's feet hadn't carried him to the doorstep of Number 12 Grimmauld Place and the sitting room of one Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.

There was a sickening feeling in his chest. Apprehension. Fear. Maybe slightly embarrassed. But nothing compared o the overwhelming heart throbbing happiness he was stuck in since Sunday. Theo had told him he looked like he had snuck those psychedelic treats he'd gotten a hold of in Knockturn Alley in sixth year again. It was a high, thats for sure, but it had no magic, no candy, and certainly no drugs involved.

It was Hermione.

He had been reeling since Sunday evening when he'd Floo'd her and Leo back to Diagon Alley and walked them home as the sun set overtop their head. Creating a masterpiece of colours in his periphery. But the inly work of art he was watching was her.

Leo's had had been classed tightly in her own as he dragged her though the shops windows, pointing out all the things he could name. The little boy had made it a mission to learn every magical thing he could find - striving for knowledge just like his mother. Hermione was laughing, her cheeks still stained pink from the windchill. He had to fight everything in him not to kiss her rosy face until it warmed up under his lips.

He couldn't escape the feeling she left him with, not that he had any intention to. Which was exactly why he was seated in Saint Potter's sitting room, his new wife eyeing him suspiciously from across the room.

"I can't tell whether to be impressed, furious, or if I should laugh at you right now Ferret" Ginevra seemed to scold from across the room. Draco didn't react, still looking at Potter for his reaction - of which there was not one yet.

Silence greeted him for a few more horrifying moments.

"Potter? Have you gone deaf?" Draco asked, still staring, looking for anything that might clue him in to his brain's process. Maybe Granger had taken his O.W.L.'s for him, and he was incapable of coherent, individual thought alone.

"You are asks my permission to date Hermione?" Potter finally chocked out. His eyes were wide like treacle tarts and he was looking Draco up and down for a sign that he was joking. Draco was not - well, kinda. Potter's interpretation wasn't exactly on the nose.

"If you'd like to put it like that, then yes. But, we have, me and Hermione that is, have agreed to try a relationship. I am merely making sure you don't have such strong objections to that idea"

Draco was certainly not asking for permission. The witch was a grown women she could make her own decisions. No matter Potter' opinion on the matter, Draco was still going to try and continue to woo his witch. But, he also acknowledged that Hermione valued Potter's opinion very much, and if he was vehemently against the idea of Draco courting her, she might rethink her own decision. He didn't want that, didn't think he could handle her rejection really.

So he was covering all his baskets - or whatever that muggle reference was.

"Have you asked Betty?" Ginevra piped up again. So much for her giving them a conversation alone like he'd requested of her. Despite her position away from the,, she was far too vocal for his liking.

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