#6 🌈 PRIDE ❤️

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A/N : I have no rights over the Characters. All characters belong to Cassandra Clare. And I do not own the above picture. The rights goes to the creator.


Alec tugged down and stretched his t-shirt in some parts looking a little uncomfortable. His usual plain black t-shirt was replaced today for a black t-shirt with no holes and a horizontal rainbow painted in the torso region and for Alec, it was waaaaay out of his comfort zone. He was kinda curious and excited to go to the Pride Parade with his family, but this shirt with colours is something that just didn't sit right with Alec. So he continued tugging the t-shirt trying to make it a little bit less subtle, atleast to himself.

Magnus was getting ready in their bathroom, and called out from there, "Alexander! All okay?"
"I don't know Magnus, isn't it a bit much?"

Saying this Alec turned around to see Magnus coming into their bedroom and his jaw dropped, as his cheeks slowly had a deep tint of red. Magnus was wearing a greyish blue tank top that said "I go both ways" in the colours of the bisexual flag, with a purple glitter jeans and a pink fur scarf. He also wore several necklaces, bracelets, nail polish and his makeup, finishing the look with a head band which had "BI-BI-BI" written on the top, all in the same colour scheme,.

Even after being married for a 5 years, they had never gone to a Pride parade together, because something or the other came up for Alec. So this was Alec's first time going to a Pride Parade, and he had no idea what to expect. And looking at Magnus, he sighed relieved that he was not overdressed before going to his husband, giving him a quick loving kiss.

"You look beautiful," whispered Alec to Magnus before he kissed him once more.
"And you look handsome as ever, Alexander" said Magnus, with a small amused, yet loving smile on his face.

Going to the living room, they were met with Izzy and Raphael in a heated argument about something, and hearing their steps, both of them turned and looked at the couple. Raphael groaned annoyed looking at Alec, before turning back to Isabelle.

"We can't let him wear that. por el amor de Dios!"
"Nobody wears a suit to Pride Raph." replied Izzy.
"I wear a suit. And just because you think no one can wear a suit, doesn't mean he has to wear this, all colourful. Magnus, yeah I get he is always his annoying self. But what happened to him?"
"Raphael Santiago, he is showing he is gay, and Magnus is showing everyone that he is bisexual. That's the point of the rainbow and Magnus' colour scheme. It's them being proud of who they are. And I didn't say anything to your outfit cause you are asexual and aromantic, and you wearing a suit, which was coincidentally in the asexual flag colour scheme. Cause I feel showing the people who they are and being proud of it inspires a lot of people who unfortunately, cannot show it out."

Raphael became silent at that statement and Izzy smirked happily. Alec smiled proudly at his sister listening to what she said. He was happy that he is able to be proud of loving Magnus, cause there is nothing else he wants more.

Just as they were talking, Simon, Jace and Clary entered the loft, holding flags and face paint supplies in their hands. Greeting everyone, they gave everyone their flags and then Clary called Alec to start painting his face.

They kept on talking and Alec kept on moving his head as Clary tried hard to apply the face paint in a rainbow ombre effect under his eyes, resulting in Clary sighing a little bit irritated.

"Alec! I need you to stand a little bit straight for this to be proper."
"You know I am not very good at that Fray."

Hearing this, Clary became speechless for a moment while others started laughing out loud. But then Alec smirked sideways at Clary, who smiled back and then looking at Magnus, he winked. Magnus was shocked a bit to suddenly see his usually shy husband being confident.

After Clary painted everyone's faces, they all portalled to Times Square from the loft, and to say Alec was jaw-droppingly awestruck was an understatement. There were so many people! When he looked around, he could see people laughing together with placards with quotes, wearing colourful dresses with coordinated makeup, flags raised high and smiles all around. It was a really positive and happy atmosphere that Alec couldn't help but smile, turning to look at Magnus with all the love he has for the Warlock.

As he was looking around, he saw that few people wore masks to hide their identities at such a public event, cause they didn't want to be identified by others mostly because they hadn't come out to people.

Seeing them Alec couldn't help but be grateful. He also was like that at the beginning, scared of what people might think of him and if the Nephilim and his family would disapprove. But then he realised that what he was, his sexuality, everything was normal, valid and totally fine. And that if anyone had a problem with who he loved, it was their fault, not his. If not for the courage and the love of his family which was enough for him, he wouldn't have had the guts to tell the world that he was gay.

And also this mainly happened because of Magnus. Alec realised that he didn't wanna hide the fact that the Magnus Lightwood-Bane, was his boyfriend then, husband now. In fact, for him it was something to be proud about, and if people thought him dating Magnus was wrong, then he didn't give a damn about those people. Nothing anyone says could ever change the love the Shadowhunter had for his husband.

While he was deep in his thoughts, Magnus slowly approached him, hugging him from behind. Alec chuckled sensing Magnus, as he leaned into the Warlock's embrace.

"What are you so in deep thoughts about, love?"
"Magnus do you remember when they first announced that Gay marriage is legal?"

Magnus chuckled at this before kissing Alec's cheek.

"Of course I remember! You adorably came barging into the loft shouting that it was legal in all 50 states, making me smirk with mischief. And the next moment was funnier that anything."
"Yeah cause I should have skipped that 50 states part. I didn't actually think you would be seriously wanting to get married in all 50 states," said Alec laughing.
Magnus pouted at this, "So you are saying you wouldn't marry me again and again?"
Alec turned around kissing the pout on his husband's lips lightly, "You know that I would marry you again and again how many ever times needed. There is nothing more I want than to be able to shout to the whole world and the universe that this gorgeous Warlock is mine. And that I love my husband to the infinite and beyond."

Magnus continued pouting for a second before smiling lovingly with adoration in his eyes, as he leaned in and kissed Alec, "That I know. Aku Cinta Kamu Alexander."

"I love you too Magnus" said Alec pulling back from the kiss. And at that moment, Alec knew once again, that there was nothing more he wanted than this - to be able to call the extraordinary warlock whom he loved so much as his husband, with pride to everyone, surrounded by a family so loving and happy as his. Alec was content. And he was happy and he knew he would be happy for the rest of his life as long as he knew his husband was always by his side.


A/N :

Love is there in all colours and love yourself with every shade of your heart.

No matter what, your love is VALID. And you are loved for who you are. You are loved for being you. And be proud of who you are. There is nothing that matter more than that. You deserve all the goodness this world has to offer. Cause you are extraordinary, outstanding, incredible, beautiful, intelligent, awesome and so, so, amazing.

Any positive criticism will be appreciated.

Also, a big shootout to Moonlightgrey for helping me with everything, big or small. You are the best <3

Love y'all loads
Maze <3

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