#2 It happened.

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Magnus still couldn't believe it. After all the wars and the problems they faced together, Alec had broken up with him. Magnus knew that after losing his magic, even though he gave it up willingly, he had changed a bit. The thought of Alec breaking up with him had occurred to Magnus because of all his insecurities - mainly that he was nothing without his Magic. But it was only a few days ago that Alec had told him that he couldn't bear to live without him. And when Alec told that his magic was not why he fell in love with him, Magnus felt a sense of security about their relationship.

And yet, Alec had broken up with him. His Alexander.

Magnus has had his share of the past. He has been with everyone - warlocks, vampires, Seelies, werewolves. But after his breakup with Camille, Magnus had stopped feeling anything for anyone for almost a century. He only cared about the Downworld and his close friends.

But then Alec came into his life. He had given new hope to Magnus, made him fall in love again. He loved Alec more than he had ever loved anyone in his whole life (and he is an 800 year old Immortal, which says a lot). Even after around 17000 exes, he knew that the first Shadowhunter he had ever loved was the one. His soulmate. His world. His everything. And he had hoped that Alec would be his last. But clearly, he was mistaken and he didn't know what went wrong.

Magnus had overcome heartbreaks before. But Alec breaking up with him was not just a heartbreak. He felt like his whole existence was useless. All Magnus wanted to do was to break down and not continue living.

And so on that Halloween night, while Magnus laid down in Maryse's shop thinking about what had happened as he cried himself to sleep, Alec hoped that this was a nightmare. That if he now opened his eyes, he would be in Magnus' arms, with his comforting words, in his bedroom at The Institute. But when he opened his eyes, reality struck hard. He was sitting on a bench in a park nearby crying his eyes out after breaking up with Magnus.

Magnus is the one. He is Alec's world and the reason for his existence. But Alec knew that he had to let go or else Magnus would never get his Magic back. He realised after Magnus' breakdown that he will never be happy without his magic. So he tried contacting the Prince of Hell though a warlock conduit.

Asmodeus was stubborn. When he told his condition for the deal, Alec knew he had to do it for Magnus' happiness. The warlock sacrificed his powers to save Jace as he knew that Alec wouldn't get over the death of his parabatai. Alec thought that Magnus would recover from the pain of break up, but would never recover the pain of being powerless and without his magic. So he decided that Magnus' happiness comes first, even if it results in his own heartbreak. Little did he know that he mattered to him more than Magic.

Alec couldn't get Magnus' face out of his mind. The pain which showed in the warlock's brown eyes when he told Magnus that he was breaking up with him. How Magnus had begged him to not go. The pain of a thousand knives stabbing him at the same time. Even that pain couldn't be equal to what Alec was feeling at the moment. But Alec knew there was no other way.

Thinking about how he was going to cope with all of this, Alec went back to The Institute quietly after wiping his eyes.

The next day, Alec went back to the Warlock conduit. He asked her to summon Asmodeus again as he had to tell him that he broke up with Magnus. The warlock started her spell and in a few seconds, Asmodeus appeared in her place.

Looking at Alec, Asmodeus smirked and said, "Well well well...Look who we have here. The great Alexander Gideon Lightwood, the head of the New York Institute, who is so in love with Magnus Bane. But unfortunately for you, Shadowhunter, have you made your decision? Are you going to end your relationship with my son so that he can be happy? Or are you going to stay with him watching him suffer?".

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