#1 Birthday ❤

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It was Magnus' birthday in two days. Alec had a plan. He already did most of the preparations for it. But he was nervous thinking about how it was gonna turn out as he wanted everything to be perfect for Magnus' birthday.

Magnus loves extravagant gestures. But no one had ever done one for him and even though it was out of his comfort zone, Alec decided on doing the plan in which he shows Magnus his love for him in the best and biggest way possible. Most of his friends suggested that he pretended like he forgot the Warlock's birthday and then the plan could be executed.

But Alec had refused to do that as he didn't want to hurt or upset Magnus just because he was going to do something nice in the end. Magnus deserved a whole day of happiness at least. So Alec wanted to make sure Magnus was happy the entire day and he didn't want to do a single thing that might end up hurting him.

He made sure to act normal (and he did) so as to not make Magnus suspicious. The next two days went past fast with Alec making little last minute changes in the plan and arranging everything. If nothing goes wrong, the plan will be perfect.

The next morning, Alec slowly woke up and untangled himself from Magnus slowly so that he wouldn't wake up. After making sure Magnus was still asleep, he went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for him, which he had been learning from Maryse for this exact situation.

He finished cooking eggs, pancakes, waffles, French toast and crepes and slowly placing it on a tray with two glasses of orange juice, he took it back with him to their bedroom to wake Magnus up. Alec placed the tray on the bedside table and then went near Magnus, kissing him slowly on his cheek, waking him up. Magnus started to stir and slowly opened his eyes to the most beautiful view ever. He slowly woke up and leaned on the headboard.

"Selamat ulang tahun, sayang (happy birthday, love)," Alec said with perfect pronunciation and with so much affection in his tone. Magnus looked at Alec with shock in his eyes. It took him a few seconds to realise that his Alexander had spoken in his mother tongue, wishing him on his birthday. Tears came into his eyes seeing the effort Alec made even if it was to wish him.

He leaned and hugged Alec before replying, "Thank you so much, cintaku."

Alec pulled back and got up to get the tray; only did then Magnus notice the breakfast tray Alec so lovingly had prepared for him. He was overwhelmed by the genuine love and affection Alec showed him as none of his past lovers had ever taken the thought to do something for Magnus, even if it was as simple as this.

Trying hard to blink the tears out of his eyes, Magnus took the tray from Alec and kept it on both their laps before they started eating together. Taking the first bite into his mouth, Magnus nearly moaned. It was delicious!

"By the angel, darling. This is really good."

"Thanks" Alec replied as he started smiling like a child who had won his first competition. His eyes had a sparkle for the rest of the time as they finished eating.

But when Magnus wanted to get up, Alec held his hand and looked up into his eyes, "Before anything else, there is something I want to tell you. You will not be allowed to use your magic even for something small today. Just let me spoil and take care of you this whole day because you deserve this, Magnus. You deserve a lot more than this. You deserve everything. Even if you don't accept it, I know you do. And I will be with you always to remind you of that." Hearing this, Magnus couldn't control it anymore. His face broke out into this huge smile that was so wide that his cheeks hurt while tears started pouring from his eyes. But Magnus didn't care. He was with his Alexander and he was truly happy.

Alec slowly brought his thumb near Magnus' face and wiped away the tears with a shy smile on his face. Keeping the now empty breakfast tray aside, Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus as he pulled his warlock into his embrace, as they sat in the comfortable silence. After some time, Alec pulled back and hearing a sound of disapproval from Magnus, he chuckled. "As much as I would love to be like this today, I do have a few things planned for us. So get up! It's already noon," he said as he pulled his boyfriend out of bed and dragged him into the bathroom.

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