Love At First Height

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Timmy's eyes shot opened from her slumber as she heard a distant angry roar from Toot and Vick's house. If that house is loud with furious scream, that means someone in that residence is truly upset. Well, more than upset. Gary who was sleeping next to Poof and Eddie also have awakened from the D' Vil's argument. With their fairies disturbed from the sleep, Timmy approached to the window as Poof turned into a binocular for his god-sister to hold and check what was happening. Currently, Vick and Toot's father was attempting to escape from his brother Veck's anger.


"H-he was desperate!! He's spending days in a motel!"

"A MOTEL?! LIKE A *CENSORED*-ING HUSTLER?!" Vincent's excuses only seemed to upset Vector even more.

"Language, sir..." Timmy muttered as she kept watching the one-sided argument.

"Wow, borrowing a gambling-addict pal half of his savings," Gary scoffed in sarcasm, "not cool."

The brunette sighed as she shook her head in exasperation. She proceeded to do her morning routine until she was about to change her casual clothes where her parents' voices rang from downstairs.

"OH, TIMMY~! Do you know what we haven't done long LONG time~~?" Mr. Turner asked, his tone cheerful.

"Taking your daughter to your work day?" She replied with cynical manner, which her parents failed to notice it.

"No~! We are going to Adrenaland~~!" Mrs. Turner answered.

Timmy and Gary blinked, looked at each other. It has been almost six years. Younger Timmy went to the amusement park with her parents, taking her imaginary friend along even when he wasn't real at that time. At one point, she was lost in the park, afraid but she didn't let go of Gary's hand. Of course the rides were amazing, but being away from her parents frightened her. Maintaining his calm attitude, Gary remained by her side until she encountered Chester and AJ for the first time helping her find her parents. And that was the last time she held Gary's hand.

"Well," Timmy began as she turned her attention to the door, "can we bring my old friend Gary along?"

"Sure~! We just happen to win SIX tickets to Adrenaland, so it's enough~~!" Mr. Turner replied.

Timmy's former imaginary friend blinked, but he didn't voice out disagreement.

Hour later, the Turner's, Timmy's friends, and Gary were inside the car holding the hamster ball Eddie was in while Timmy and Gary's fairies were in disguises; Cosmo as Gary's green bag, Wanda as Timmy's bag, and Poof being a keychain attached. Chester and AJ were rooting for the upcoming joy for their favorite amusement park. Sure, the ride to Adrenaland was dangerously ridiculous; passing through construction site, avoiding wild dogs with rabies, etc...

But the arrival was enough to brightened their mood.

"Told you leaving early was a good idea~! We even get a good parking spot~!" Timmy's dad exclaimed with glee.

They all got out of the car, witnessing the wonder and beauty of Adrenaland. Various rides and attractions thrilled and entertaining people. But one caught Timmy's attention; the roller coaster with the ride that didn't have 180 degree spinning but the rail in form of heartbeat rates as the ride literally rocketing fast enough to make some passengers' hair go white.

"There's a Heart Stopper," her eyes sparkled, "the toughest, fastest and the most lawsuit-prone roller coaster in the world...~!"

"Okay, but remember, kids, we have to be back here at 5 p.m, or—"

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