Oh Yeah, Chaos!

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 "YOU are the other god-kid I have to share Cosmo, Wanda and Poof with?!" Timmy exclaimed in janitor's closet with Gary.

"Yeah." Her former imaginary friend shrugged.

"What about the Unwished Island?" She asked, "I thought you and the other Uniwshed wishes were having good life there!"

"Many unwished had beat all the Tim-Tim clones, everything got bored. Dark Laser helped me bust out of the place."

Timmy facepalmed. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof glanced at each other. She remembered all Gary's schemes to keep her AWAY from everyone else by making her into a same "imaginary friend doll", or kidnapping her family and friends in the Unwish Island to lure her and locked her up. But putting all that aside, Gary is practically not an imaginary friend, but a normal—somehow—human. And due to old friendship they shared, Timmy had no choice but accept the reality he has to stay with her again.

"Fine. My parents wouldn't care or mind you're living with me. But we will go over the rules as soon as we get back home." She said as Gary nodded.

As they went out of janitor's closet, the bell rang as it was lunch time.

"Okay, as you may remember, where you sit in cafeteria is pretty much important in this school. There are many different groups as we have nerds, band geeks, sport jocks, bullies, and more on...," Timmy explained, "the worst is popular kids."

Gary and Timmy entered the cafeteria. Fortunately, the lunch would be meatball spaghetti, sliced baguettes, two pieces of apple, and milk for a drink. As both got their lunch, Timmy went straight to the "greatest friends you'll ever have" seat, where Chester, AJ, Elmer, Sanjay, Chloe and Toot was sitting at. Gary's eyebrows furrowed but decided not to voice his complain.

"Hey, Gary~!" AJ and Chester greeted, seemingly happy to see Timmy's old, "cool" friend.

Gary only waved to them as he and Timmy sat with them. What Gary disliked the most was Toot, who's been giving Timmy a lovestruck eyes, hearts fluttering around in the air. As her imaginary friend who had been in her head, Gary knew about Toot's enormous crush on his "creator" Timmy.

"Wait, where's Kevin?" Chester wondered.

Timmy's ears slightly perked as she heard a noise from the corner of cafeteria, turned to see Kevin Crocker—nephew of Denzel Crocker—shook in anxiety and fear as he was cornered by popular kids and Francis the school bully. Apparently, Kevin has accidentally spilled his drink on Francis, Tad and Chad.

"I-I'm sorry...." Kevin managed to speak, legs shaking in fright.

Before Francis could even throw a punch, Timmy was pushed to the edge as she threw her lunch tray at Francis, much to every student's surprise, including Gary who just briefly lost his "cool".

"HEY!! We're here to EAT and RELAX, radish head!" Timmy yelled in irritation, "leave him alone!"

Kevin blinked his eyes, felt relieved but also scared for Timmy as she just threw lunch and the bullies. As bucktoothed brunette stomped towards them, Francis sneered as he looked down at her due to her small height.

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do, Turner?"

Knowing Francis even show violence to girls, Vernon was about to intervene until Timmy gave the school bully a powerful punch across his face.

"Next?" She scowled as she glared at Tad and Chad, who stepped back.

Francis cried for his "mommy" as he ran off the cafeteria, Tad and Chad tried to keep themselves 'cool' as they walked back to their 'popular kids table". Timmy turned to Kevin, helped him up.

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