The Switch Glitch

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In an early morning of Saturday, Timmy was sleeping peacefully. Only to be awaken by the clock's alarm. Including her fairies poofed out of the fishbowl. As she woke up, she looked at the calendar, squealed in bliss.

"It's Saturday~!" Timmy exclaimed happily, then looked around, "Where's Gary and Eddie?"

"Both already left with extreme wishes outside Dimmsdale~!" Cosmo replied.

"So today's all yours, sweetie~!" Wanda added.

"Since it's Saturday, it is either trip to Crimson Cheek comic world, hanging out with my friends, or—"

Before Timmy could finish, she paled at the sound of familiar motorbike approaching from far distance.

"Or Vick~! Wait, that doesn't sound right...," Cosmo looked outside, then back to Timmy, "OR VICK!!"

Timmy also looked outside the window, watching Vick riding his black motorbike, along with his friends, well, followers who are also the same "mean babysitters" as him. She gulped, remembering the works she heard between pre-teens and other teenagers of her icky babysitter.

She FLINCHED as the door was kicked open. The brunette still can hear the motorcycles engined with loud sounds. Wanda, Cosmo and Poof were in their disguise; Wanda as Timmy's crossbody handbag, Cosmo as darker shade of green wallet inside with Poof as purple pocket mirror. Walking downstairs slowly, Timmy saw Vick wearing dark green shirt, dark jacket, spiked leather belts, black ripped jeans with pair of military boots. Behind him was Laurence Ledergerber, Vick's right-hand man; a teenaged boy with purple hair, teal eyes and fair complexion wearing gray turtleneck, half-sleeved shirt, black long pants and knee-length boots waving at bucktoothed brunette with mischievous grin. The other side was Alyssander, the auburn-haired teenage boy with glasses, freckled on his nose; wearing red shirt, white jacket with pants, and black sneakers.

"Hey, twerpette," Vick flashed his infamous sinister smile Timmy could mistake his teeth as fangs, "let's have fun."

The tone of his voice sent the chill down her spine as she glanced at other two kids; presumably who are babysat by Laurence and Alyssander respectively. And Timmy knew she doesn't have a choice to refuse as Vick dragged her out of house and had her hopped on behind him on his motorbike.

And, the one hell of a ride began, with a horrified scream from Timmy and other kids who were dragged along to their babysitters' reign of terror upon other bikers and gangsters.


"Oh god, that was brutal journey...," Timmy panted, exhausted from the bike ride as she returned back to her room, barely harmed in early noon, "you know, this morning made me wonder what made Vick that way."

Her fairies turned back to their default form.

"Well, the only way to figure out is wishing you could see the past." Wanda remarked in as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

This perked the brunette. She was curious, wanted to know what caused Vick to be cruel. After all, what could go wrong to see take a peek of one's past?

"I wish I could see Vick's past." She finally said.

And with a wave of the wands, Timmy and her fairies became transparent, invisible in the world of past as they poofed back to +10 years ago. They arrived by the house of Vick and Toot's and went through, to see little red-headed boy hiding, much to Timmy's confusion until she noticed something.

'Wait... is that...'

The little boy was none other than Vick, aged 6, was hiding behind the door. Arms and legs were bruised as some are scratched. His cheeks were red as if he was hit by someone, his small and fragile body quivered in fright and looked as if he was on verge of tears. Timmy stood, bewildered then flinched by the harsh scream of a voice that called Vick, surprising the boy as he hurriedly went to upstairs. Seconds later, Timmy and her fairies saw a tall teenaged girl with dark brown hair, burgundy red tank top, dark blue jeans and slightly tanned skin, lurking upstairs with glint of her predatory, cold eyes.

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