The Fairy Fever

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No school, no homework—thanks to making a wish—, no pop quizzes by Mr. Crocker, Timmy was resting in her room while playing games with Gary as Poof was napping. According to what Chet Ubetcha, the news anchor of Dimmsdale, has said, the spread of virus was slowing down. Not that she believe in that, but Timmy has been bored for more than a month to be in a house while doing assignments with computer. Both Timmy and Gary groaned as they heard a news of "Spring Fever Concert" upcoming in Dimmsdale Dome as their fairies happily dance.

Because in every Spring Fever Concert, Chip Skylark sings. But that's not the point, every time special event occur soon...

"Tim-Tim, the clingy four eyes Toot has been texting you...," Gary said as he looked at her phone, "he's asking if you would come to his birthday day."

Her stalker, her greatest admirer would ask her out.

"Oh god..." Timmy facepalmed.

"You're not gonna go, are ya?" Gary inquired, raised his one eyebrow.

The pink-hatted girl contemplated. To be honest, it would be good to see Chip Skylark's concert on live due to secret friendship they shared year ago. But what bothered her was Toot. He is a nice boy, but when it comes to his crush for her, he could be uncomfortably... 'affectionate'. Especially in his birthday.

"Gary, you know my parents, they'd say—"

"Oh Timmy~~!! We'd think it's a nice gesture if you go to Toot's party~!" Her parents said from downstairs.

"...SEE?" Timmy sighed.

"It does say you can bring someone from your family or friends." Wanda added as she looked at her phone.

"We're your godparents~! I'm sure we can lighten things up~!" Cosmo said cheerfully, before he sneezed.

And the next, the carousel poofed and landed on top of Gary and Timmy with big thud. Both fairies quickly poofed it away.

"Uh-oh, I must be catching... 'it'...!" Cosmo exclaimed.

"What's 'it'....?!" Gary and Timmy asked.

"It's Fairy Fever, a disease infect on us fairies," Wanda answered, "when we had it, we temporarily lose control of our power."

"Oh! Maybe you two should stay..." Timmy said.

"We'll get better a—ACHOO!" Cosmo sneezed, poofed entire house to the moon.

"Whoa... that's cool AND uncool at the same time..." Gary spoke, eyes blinked in surprise.

"You sneezed us to the moon like that?!" Timmy shrieked, watching her parents floating, clueless as they thought the experience is just a dream, "on second thought, you two should come along. Gary too."

As they wished home back normal, Timmy got herself ready to go to Toot's birthday party which was Tomorrow. Timmy and Gary walked to Dimmsdale Mall as the fairies were poofed as their bags, Poof as Timmy's necklace. She was buying two to three volumes of Toot's favorite comic book, and one stuffed animal; a light brown colored rabbit one. Cosmo sneezed again, poofed the skunk inadvertently, causing people to escape the mall immediately.

"This is gonna be a long day..." Timmy sighed as Gary nodded in agreement.

Several trials of Cosmo's fairy fever went on until tomorrow. Timmy was wearing different outfit from usual; light pink long shirt, burgundy red short jacket, white belt, black tights and pair of slightly heeled blue ankle boots. Her hair was on ponytail with her iconic pink hat on.

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