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You cried. You cried because there was nothing else left to do. It was the only thing that you could do really. Everything hurt. Not physically, physically you were fine. In fact it was unfair how fine you were when everyone else wasn't. You escaped without a scratch. They didn't. Everything was so loud. You could hear everything, feel everything. A jumble of voices and emotions. It was so chaotic, so all consuming. No matter how much you tried to shove it down it just came bubbling back up. You couldn't shut it out, the voices, the feelings. There were just too many of them.

You scooted further back into the alley, pressing your hands to your ears. Tears streamed freely down your face, almost impossible to stop. You didn't even know if they were your own emotions at this point, except you did, because every time you closed your eyes you saw it, saw them. Saw it happen. Again and again and again.

Run, Y/N, Run

You did run, you ran like you were told.

Run, Y/N, we'll follow

They did not follow.

You sobbed harder, wishing there was something you could've done. There was nothing that you could've done, not really. Not with this stupid quirk. Not with this tiny, weak body. They were big strong men and you were 4 years old and scared.

You screamed in frustration through gritted teeth, digging your nails into your skin, dragging them through your hair and along your face. Your nails were sharp and there was a sharp sting and something warm and sticky started running down your face. You wiped the blood away, matting it in your hair.

The heroes will come and save us, Y/N

The heroes didn't come.

You hated them. A burning unending hatred that made you want to scream loud enough that it ripped the vocal cords from your throat. Everyone loved them, the heroes. Put them on a pedestals. Don't worry citizens the heroes will come, they will save us.

You scoffed and reached for the broken glass bottle beside you and hurled at across the the alley, it smashed off the wall with a loud shattering. The broken pieces fell to the ground and glittered dully in the dim moonlight. Somewhere you heard someone wonder what the noise was.

The heroes wouldn't come.

"Well, well, what do we have hear?" A low, musical voice echoed down the alley.

You tensed, balling your fists. Slowly, you turned your head towards the voice. You grabbed a shard of glass that had bounced back over to you, gripping it so hard you felt it cut you skin. Blood dripped to the dirty, grime thick ground with an almost musical rhythm. Still, you held it out in front of you, pointing at the man.

"What do you want?" you asked, your voice painfully thick and shaky.

The man took a few steps forward, you scrambled back. There was something wrong about him. You couldn't put your finger on it through. The man smiled and a bolt of fear shot down your spine. Then you realised that the man was not alone.

A boy, maybe around 10 or 11, hovered behind him. Shaggy, blue hair hanging low over his face. He peered at you and you stared back.

And then you realised what was wrong with the man.

You couldn't hear him.

Couldn't feel him.

It was like he wasn't even there.

And for the first time in your life you reached out with your quirk, trying to find him.

You couldn't.

You turned your attention to the boy. He was there. You could feel his emotions. The pain, fear, and curiosity. Hear the thoughts circulating in his head.

Why is she here?

Why is she bleeding?

Who is she?

"Y/N," the man said, and you tensed. How did he know your name? Who was he? Why was he here? The man walked towards you and this time you didn't move away, you were almost frozen in place. Watching him with unbridled curiosity. He crouched down before you and held out his hand.

"Y/N," he said. "There's no need to be afraid. I'm here to help you. Come with me."

You stared at his hand and then looked to the boy. The boy nodded. You looked at the man, and tried to reach into his mind. You couldn't, it wasn't there.

"You're very special, you know that?" the man continued. "Not just because of that incredible quirk of yours." He reached out and stroked a finger along your temple, wiping away some of the blood. "But because you see society for what it truly it, you see heroes for what they truly are." I look up at him properly at that. "I do too," he said. "We're one and the same, you and I. And if you want, I'll help you bring them down, those heroes I know you hate so much. I'll help you get your revenge. You can avenge your parents Y/N. You can make the heroes who failed you pay." He stood and held out his hand. "All you have to do is come with me."

You blew out a breath, studying him, the boy, and then his hand. You swallowed and felt the smallest smile tug on your lips, the smallest prick of hope. So you reached out, and you took his hand.

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