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The lecture from Principal Nezu rings in your ears as you walk home. God that rat was annoying. You'd mount his head on a wall one day.

Your body aches from the fight with Bakugo. Fuck, even thinking about him invoked a rage in you that extremely few could. You hate him. You hate him so fucking much you feel you're going to explode.

Arrogant cunt.

The whole walk home you stew over it and by the time you got back to the shitty dive bar you and your brother are holed up while you attend UA you slam the door open so hard it almost comes off it's hinges.

Your brother looks up, drink in hand. "Was that really necessary, sister?"

" I have an idea," you say. "Why don't we just blow up the school?"


"I'll bring in a bomb, hide it somewhere, and the just blow the whole thing to shit. It's foolproof."

Tomura rolls his eyes. "You get hit on the head playing hero? You know full well that UA have sensors that detect explosives a mile away."

"So we break the sensors."

"Even if we did that there's no spectacle. Killing All Might needs to have impact. He can't just die in a random explosion. Idiot."

You glare at him. "Shut up."

"Half of those are literally your words, Y/N. The fucks gotten into you?

"Nothing," you grumble, hurling your school bag into the corner of the room.

"That's a lie."

"Fuck off, Tomura. I'm just sick off doing nothing."

"Then do something."

You whirl on him. "I'm actually gonna kill you."

He throws his hands up in the air. "There's no point talking to you when you're like this. Go take a walk or something and then come back and be productive."

You jab a finger in his face. "Now listen here you fucking-"


Both you and Tomura freeze, then spin to face the blank tv. Your fathers voice booms through the speaker.

You both give a quick bow of your heads. "Father?"

"Shall we all take a deep breath and make an actual plan?" He says.

You hate how patronising he sounds, you feel like a toddler scolded.

"Yes Father," you mutter, taking a seat beside Tomura.

"I'm sick sitting stagnant in that stupid school. We need to make a move. I've settled in enough now. We need to take out All Might before he finds some one to pass One for All onto."

You'd been trying to figure out who, but One for All had a guard on All Might's mind. You couldn't gauge anything valuable from it. Unless what he had for breakfast counted.

"Indeed, Mania," All for One says. "So what do you suggest?"

You put your heads in your hands, thinking. Fuck you had such a long day. You just wanted to sleep. Come on, think think.

"We need to make it a statement. So the attack has to be in the school..."

"We could take a student hostage," Tomura says.

"No that would be too messy, too many teachers could get involved." You run a hand through your hair. "No... It needs to be something where we can isolate him... and a class maybe so that his attention is split, then an ambush could work."

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