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You look around at the people streaming past you, all making their way into the hall. Today is the day of the UA entrance exam and the air is thrumming with anticipation and excitement. The latter coming only from the other students, not from you. You aren't excited in the same way they are, you have no intention of becoming a hero. In fact, you pity the bright faces and eager eyes that mill past you.

All so hopeful, all so naïve.

Well, no matter. Soon you'll show them how immensely fucked up this hero society really is. You'll take away their oh so special Symbol of Peace. And it all starts with this exam. With out further ado you release a sigh and plaster on a similar nervous yet excited look on on your face. You have to play the part, of course.

You monitor the people walking by you, so many different quirks here, you couldn't help wondering which ones All For One would fancy taking.

Your gaze falls on a small green haired boy, who looks absolutely riddled with nerves. You're about to ignore him and walk past when a loud, gravelly, angry voice echoes behind you both. "Move aside, Deku!"

You turn to see a red-eyed boy storming in your direction, or rather, in the direction of the green haired boy. Supposedly called 'Deku'. Poor Deku now looks absolutely terrified.

"Kacchan!" Deku squeaks.

"Get out of my way or your dead!" the red-eyed boy - presumably Kacchan - growls.

You raise your brows at the pair, involuntarily intrigued. Deku leaps aside like he's caught fire, eyes squeezed shut and waving his hands in the air pathetically. You bite my lip to suppress a laugh, this is hilarious.

Kacchan ignores Deku's desperate, panicked squeaks and shoves past him without saying a word. As he's stalking away he pauses and snaps his head to you. "What are you looking at?" he snarls.

You stiffen, feeling a familiar bubble of rage broil in your veins. You resist the urge remove his head from the rest of his body and instead smirk, looking him up and down. "Jeez," you scoff. "What crawled up your ass and died?"

And then you brush past him, not giving him a second glance as you saunter into the building. You feel his eyes burning holes in the back of your head as leave, then hear his heavy, needlessly angry footsteps as he stomps after you, shoving past you and through the doors.

You falter, having to stop yourself from gaping and then laughing as you watched him disappear into the hall. Shit, this guy was just a different breed of arrogant and annoying.


While you sit and listen to Present Mic explain the practical exam, your mind can't help but slip to the the angry little Pomeranian looking boy two rows behind. You play your altercation over in your mind, what an interesting start to the day. It certainly takes your mind off the fact that there is hero standing practically right in front of you and you aren't beating his face in.

Your hate for the man, for the hero, on the podium tastes sour in your mouth and for the first time you actually realise what it'll mean to be accepted, to carry out this mission. You'll be stuck with heroes and hero wannabes for hours on end. You'll have to pretend to be one too. You hate it. If the end reward isn't so enticing you would walk out of the hall right there and then.

You sigh and sink lower in your chair, you'd basically grasped the gist of what you're supposed to do, and now there is an incredibly annoying and pompous guy harping on about a zero point robot and some bullshit about the standard at UA. God you really hope that one fails, if you're to be stuck in the same class as him you think you might commit murder before the first bell has even rung.

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