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You sigh and roll your shoulders. Your gun hangs loosely in your hand, steaming slightly. The man in front of you whimpers, clutching the bullet wound carved into his leg. You lean forward and smile, though they can't see it beneath your mask.

"Let's make one thing crystal clear," you say. "I am in charge here. And I can leave you all for dead in two seconds flat should I so wish and I would not lose a wink of sleep. Is that understood?"

The men nod and you smile again. "Good. So, with that in mind, let's start again. You can call me Mania, and I would like to talk to you about the League of Villains."


You study your fingernails, double checking for any lingering traces of blood. Last night's recruitments went relatively well, all things considered. You were slowly gathering the numbers, all you needed now was the opportunity to use them.

You slouch further in your seat, waiting for your teacher to arrive and start class. You scan the room, all your new classmates are talking happily amongst themselves. None of them approach you, after the first few days they've taken the hint. Your eyes slid over to the angry Pomeranian sitting a few seats in front of you. Although he seems to be here for genuine reasons he's more hostile then you. Interesting.

"Hey, Y/N?" a cheerful voice calls.

You snap out of your thoughts and turn to frown at the girl standing by your desk. You rack your brains for her name. Uraraka?

"Yeah?" you answer, trying to keep the annoyance out your voice.

"We were just asking what you think we'll be doing today," Uraraka says.

You blink. Hold on... we? You turn slowly and see that a couple more of your classmates are all watching you. You don't even bother to try remember their names. They're inconsequential in the end of the day. All that matters is your mission.

"Oh, um..." you mumble, feeling a faint blush cross your cheeks for some absurd reason. "I'm not sure, I-"

Suddenly the door bursts open. "I HAVE... COME THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL!" All Might announces.

You stifle a cross between a groan and a growl, hands balling into fists as the Symbol of Peace struts into the room. For a moment you wonder if you could just attack now, get it over and done with. You could rip the air from his throat and bury the knife hidden on your person in his chest. Maybe... no, too risky. And even if you did pull it off there's no way you'd escape with your life.

So, schooling your features into neutrality and doing your best to act like the other little fools here, you sit forward and pretend to hang off the every word of the man you hate the most.

"Hero Basic Training," All Might booms. "That'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes. So, no time to dally, today's activity is BATTLE TRAINING!!"

Excited gasps and murmurs arise from the class and a genuine smile manages to curve even your lips. Finally, some decent action.

"And for that you need these!" All Might presses a button on a little remote control. Tall shelves slid out from the wall, with numbered suitcases fitted into them. "In accordance with the 'Quirk Registry', and the special request forms you filled out... COSTUMES! After you change, come out in order to Ground Beta."


You didn't put much thought into your hero suit. You already have a villain suit. A nice black body suit with holsters for your guns and sheathes for your daggers and swords. Now you have a mask and special weighted hood to accompany it to conceal your identity. In all honestly you wanted to just go for black again but All For One suggested something a little different from your villain alias of Mania.

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