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Bakugo paces the room angrily. He can't get over the fact that Deku, that little, annoying, weak, lying, weasel, useless, quirkless Deku beat him. He'll him. And you, he'll kill you too. Wipe that stupid smirk off your face.

"Woah man," Kirishima says, putting his arms up placatingly. "Just chill out alright? We're going to win this thing."

"Shut up, shitty hair!" Bakugo growled. "I know we're going to win this thing becuase I won't let us lose. I'll kill all of the pathetic extras on the other team."

"Kill?" Sero's eyes widen, he rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, man, I don't think we're supposed to go that far but I'm loving the, uh, commitment to the bit." He looks around. "Hey, shouldn't they have made a move by now?"

"Yeah..." Kirishima murmured. He had a good idea of Tokoyami and Asui's quirk. But yours? That was still some bit of a mystery to him. During the quirk test Mr. Aizawa did it looked like you used wind. So maybe you had control over air?

Kirishima turned to Bakugo. "Hey, Bakugo-?"

"What, shitty hair?" Bakugo snaps.

"What's Y/N's quirk? Do you know it?"

Impossibly, Bakugo's expression soured even more. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "At the entrance exam I saw her use air, earth, and fire. So I'm thinking maybe some kind of elemenatal control."

"Woah," Sero murmured. "That's a powerful quirk.

"It doesn't matter!" Bakugo barked. "Cos I'll beat that annoying smirking ass into the ground before she even knew what happened."


Bakugo whips his head around, an outraged roar escaping from his throat. "WHAT THE FU-"

"YOU'RE SHIT, BAKUGO!!" Evil cackles follow the shout, wafting through through the open door.

Sero and Kirishima raise their eyebrows, lips pressing together to suppress a smile. The laughing continues, and the taunts escalate.

"HEY BAKUGO!" you continue. "READY TO GO TWO FOR TWO? LOSER!!" Your laughter shrieks down throughout the building.

Bakugo clenches his fists, teeth grinding so hard it was very possible he shaved a couple of centimetres off them. He paces back and forth, steam practically shooting out off his ears.

"Hey, Bakugo..." Kirishima ventures. "You're not going to... uh... take the bait, are you?"

Bakugo turns slowly, and the other two boys take a simultaneous step back,  palms exposed.

"Obviously, not," he growls, veins popping in his forehead. "I would never-"


"Never..." Bakugo grits out, entire body tensing.


"Ever..." Tiny explosions pop out from Bakugo's fist.

The manic, taunting laughter continues. It seems to surround him, needling into his brain and scratching nails across his whole body. He tried to block them out, tried swallow back the pure rage that this girl was igniting in him. Kirishima and Sero weren't saying anything, instead watching carefully from afar.

It didn't matter, he would never break, never stoop to her level. Never-

"YOU'RE A LOSER, BAKUGO!" you taunt, cackling away to yourself. "YOU'LL NEVER BEAT ME! YOU'RE PATHETIC! A PATHETIC, WEAK, LOSER!!"

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