Chapter {5}

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Gumball's P O.V

Some guy sat down next to me and leaned back. I didn't really see him well, because I was desperately trying to block out that dumb teacher who was taking about shit I already knew.

When she finally stopped talking, I raised my head and looked at that guy next to me. He turned his head at the same time as I and our eyes locked. We were so close, I could almost feel his hot breath on my face.

I finally took my time to check him out properly. He. Was. Gorgeous.

He had this ink black hair and bangs that were lazily falling over his eyes. And damn. His eyes. They were that weird brown color, that almost looked like dark red. Well not almost. It did look like dark red. He had pale complexion, and that made him look even more angelic.

Jesus Christ. How long was I staring? That guy was still looking into my eyes but his gaze kept jumping to my lips. Then he realized something and looked like he was having a mental battle.

He turned quickly back and stayed starting at the board. I turned back too and started feeling bored again.

Maybe I should ask his name? Or is he weirded out? I mean, he was staring, so that means he thought I was weird right?

Well it wouldn't hurt to try. Or it could actually. If he would kick me. My weird face would be even weirder. I say would a lot. Ah fuck it. I'm just gonna ask.

I turned to him again and pinched his cheek. Good job Gumball. Good fucking job. Act even weirder. Pinch it like there's no tomorrow. Maybe even pull your dick out while you're at it? Okay, let's save that for another time.

He turned to me, surprised, and was again staring into my eyes. I waved and said:

"Sup! I'm new here. What's your name?"

He looker blankly at me for couple of seconds and then furrowed his eyebrows. "Eh...?" Great. An idiot.

"Oh you know. My mommy said I have to make friends on the first day of the funhouse. My name is Gumball." I said as calmly as possible.

He seemed to finally catch up on what I was saying and then he nodded sharply. "Yo. My name's Marshall Lee. But ya call me Marshall. Kay?" He smiled and reached his hand out. I took it and we shook hands like total gentlemen.

His hand was cold, but it still sent tingles up my arm. What the fuck? Stop it Gumball. No. Crushes. This. Year. 'Kay?' Yeeeeeah. That ain't gonna work with this cutie next to me.

I said: "Could you maybe show me around? I have no idea where anything is here."

He nodded and said: "Yeah, sure. Come and sit with us in the cafeteria." "Us?" I asked. "Yeah I'll introduce you to the others. You seem like a chill guy. We need more chill guys in our group. All of my friends are total douchebags." He grinned.

"Okay" I smiled. "Seeya' there." He said, and right then the bell rang. He stood up and walked away. Holy shit. I just made a new friend. Mommy?! Are you proud of me now?! Ahahahaha no she's dead.

When I said Peppermint is like a mother to me, it is true, but my real parents are still dead. Still dead. How does that even work?

And yeeeeeah, I live alone. Peppermint was there in the morning because she wanted to see me and make sure I wasn't doing drugs and having little orgies in the basement. That could be really fun. That orgy thing, ya' know?

Glad I didn't say that out aloud. If I would have, some people probably would come and give me their phone numbers. And a wink. Don't forget the wink. The wink is the purpose of my lif-

Okay this is going too far. I should now instead of letting my mind go berserk,

focus on getting my ass out of this class and to the next lesson.

I glanced at my schedule again and sighed. Yeah baby, sigh the shit out of yourself. Sigh it all night long.

What is wrong with me?!

Like seriously, did Pepper or whoever was holding me as a baby drop me? More like threw me against a wall. That would explain A LOT.

I ran my hand through my hair and started walking towards my other classes.


Aaaaaaaah. Thank God. Or Satan. Or Buddha or Allah or I honestly don't know who to thank. It was finally lunch break. I had successfully made my way through my morning classes and now I feel tired as fuck. Now to think about it, I didn't really get a good night's sleep tonight. Nah who cares.

I'm going to sleep the whole weekend anyways. Like always. Sleep. Eat. Internet. Repeat. The circle of life. And don't forget the gay fantasies.

And now my next mission is to find the cafeteria. Um. Yeah.

(A/N: That circle of life describes my daily life perfectly. :b Hope ya like it. Now the good stuff can start happening. THEY'RE FRIENDS ;D YAOI YAOI YAOI

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A penny for my thoughts (Gumlee AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt