Chapter {14}

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Hi(A/N: Uhhhhhhh hay
Sooooo it's been pretty long alright
And I've been crouching in my dark hole for a while now so I thought hey
Let's see if anyone is still reading this piece of shit and let's make a new chapter. If anyone is wondering, I've been diving deep in the Amazing World of Destiel
Like 6 feet deep like really really really deep
So I think it's pretty understandable why I refused to communicate with humans for a while. And I really hope my writing has somehow improved, since my previous chapters make me want to violently throw myself out of a window. Okay
Da Author out)

Marshall's P.O.V

The scene unfolding in front of me was terrifying and fascinating at the same time. There were at least a hundred sweaty bodies rocking to the beats in the dimly lit room. The 'beat' wasn't exactly one of my favorites, since it sounded like something a cat dying from syphilis would be able to mimic better than the DJ.

But the sound was upbeat and according to all the grinding that was happening (which was a lot) those dear folks here seemed to enjoy it.

Seriously, someone was gonna get pregnant, or violently murdered. Hope to god it's not me.

Even though the place smelled like sweat and alcohol, and many of the half naked bodies here were not very pleasing to look at, especially the guys, I could feel my body slightly moving with the rhythm already.

Fionna dragged us to a table, right by the stripper poles, which was great, and everybody sat down, we started chatting.

"Man, this place is so cool!" Finn said excitedly. "Yeah, especially those strippers," muttered Flame Princess from the booth. But Finn didn't seem to realize the bitter tone and laughed. "You got that right, sister!"

Since we were all still pretty much underage, and it was a wonder none of the bouncers questioned our purposes in a strip club, we still thought better to not order any alcohol. Wouldn't want any dark secrets to be drunk-talked out, now would we.

This place was really nice, actually, now that I looked around. I mean, all the naked girls are nice, really nice, but I can't help but to appreciate the beauty of this fuckhut. A magnificent fuckhut at that. The walls were well decorated and the illumination of the disco lights gave it an even slightly freakish atmosphere.

But the drunk teenagers had no problem with tumbling around and ruining any sort of feeling this place might've raised within you. Fuck, am I drunk already? I'm doing poetry this early in the evening. That ain't right.

I recognized a familiar purple head nearing our table in the sea of drunk people, and as it came closer, with it came the obnoxious smirk and flamboyant clothing.

"Heyyyy, boys and girrrls, 'hic!' Whatcha, up to?" He slurred and hiccupped again before giggling.

"For fucks sake, Lumpy, you're done already? It's not even midnight yet!" I yelled over the music and chuckled when he almost keeled over, holding our table for support.

"Theeere was this", he said making a pause, thinking, "this very cute 'hic' guy, who wanted to buy me a drink, aight'? Aand like, he bought be like 'hic' five drinks or uhh, something."

He grimaced and glanced behind him. "I think he's still under the table, bUT HEY, I ALMOST GOT LAID!" He yelled and whistled to himself, making a few heads turn.

"Aha, I think it'd be great if someone imported him to the nearest silent corner, before he murders anyone for insulting his scarf." Finn said and glanced around for volunteers. There we none. Everyone knew how touchy he would get, when wasted, and no one wanted to endure that.

"Pfff fine, you bunch of pussies, I'll go get him somewhere quiet. And if he touches me anywhere below my shoulders, you're responsible for my emotional scarring." Flame Princess said and rolled her eyes.

Finn raised his head so fast, I thought I heard his neck snap, and quickly glanced between FP and LSP. He clenched his jaw for a moment, and then stood up, taking LSP by the hand waving to FP and making his way through the croud with a singing Lumpy, trying to struggle to be free.

"Well, I guess that solves that," I said and winked at FP, "Someone's protective of you, huh?"

"H-he's that way with everyone," she said and crossed her arms. "Stop looking at me like that."

I smirked and turned my head back to the club. I noticed someone walking towards our table and as he got closer, my jaw dropped.

"Holy shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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