Chapter {1}

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Gumball's P.O.V.


Die! Die already! I want to sleep. I need to sleep. I have to get my beauty sleep. Oh my god please shut up. I will hurt you. I will.


Hehe, well that's what you get, little bitch. Now that's what I'm talking about. Sweet, sweet dreams here I co-

"Gumball why did you smash your alarm clock, again?"

Peppermint was standing at the door, looking pissed. She is like a mom to me. My real parents were killed when I was little.

"It attacked me", I answered sleepily.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you're going to be late for school."

Oh crap. School.

Today is the first day of my new school. Great, now I'm late. Oh, that rhymed, or mabye not. The point is, that I'm so done. I don't want to go to school. I have nothing against education, in fact, I love to study. But all the teenagers are scaring me. They really are scary. Going out every night partying and waking up at some random place- with a huge hangover.

Shudder. I would never do such a thing. Maybe.

I hope, that this school year goes fine.

And it already does not, I'm late.

"Gumball get your butt up and go to school, now!", Pepper growled. She can be really scary. I guess I was staring off into space again. I do that alot. That's one of the reasons I'm called 'weird'. And of course my hair. Aaaand my eyes, and my attitude. I even had imaginary friends my whole childhood. One was called Bob. He was an octopus. I think he was autistic. There were many of them, but I can't really remember much. They all probably loved me. I was finally 'the hip-cool kid'. My mind is pretty disturbed, if you ask me. But of course you don't, because you stay away from the spawn of satan.

I was called that, in my old school, because of my eyes. They're pink. Like really pink. I have no idea why, and even doctors are clueless. But I have some weird genes I guess...or it's just my gayness trying to break through the surface.

And my hair is also pink. It's that way because of an accident. But I just liked it, and later when it growed out, I colored it again. To be unique. Heh, more like to look gay.

And about my eyes, I usually wear blue contacts now. I have actually nothing aganist pink, it would match hella good with my purse, darlin', but come on, if your eyes are pink, it's creepy as fuck.

So now the real challenge starts. What to wear? God, I sound like a girl. Finally I just pulled on a blue buttoned up shirt, skinny black jeans and a black and white sweater. Finally I pushed on white vans and grabbed my backpack. I walked to the door and skipped toward my new school.

This is gonna be bad.

A penny for my thoughts (Gumlee AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें