the plot twist of a lifetime

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as howard and i are exiting the airport, happy and in love, i realize i will tell him tonight at dinner how in love i am with him! we walk down the road to howard's neon orange cheetah print limousine when i see three big buff men in suits approach, "hello. we are the fbi, howard howardson you are under arrest for fraud!" WHAT ! AHAT! WHAT! I CANT BELIEVE THIS WHY WOULD HOWARD DO THIS !!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
howard is running in the other direction now!
oh my gosh it's like a wild goose chase! the fbi catch howard right away which isn't surprising because david got kicked off the track team for running a nine minute 400m dash. his one flaw was his slow running 🏃‍♀️. howard is being carried away by the three men as he kicks and screams like a little baby, "NEVER FORGET ME RACHEL!!!!" he yells to me. "HOWARD WHO ARE YOU???" i ask curious to who howard actually is. "the names david, david dugan!"howard/david yells back to me.
😲 my reaction be.
i cannot believe this oh my goodness!!!!!!
then someone grabs me, i'm being pulled away. i try to kick them where the sun dont shine but i completely miss their body. "idiot" a deep, sexy voice whispers in my 👂🏻. and then i'm being dragged into a van and the door is slammed shut by the mysterious man who has just kidnapped me. now the van driving away, oh no i'm in chile being kidnapped!!!

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