chapter 6

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i wake up the next morning after falling on conscious. wow that was crazy, howard's got a mean punch. i feel a strange weight on my stomach, why am i being crushed by bricks? i turn over to see what it is. OMG! it's... its... it's... it's... it's... it's... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its.... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its... its.... its... its... its... its... its.. howard?!?!?!?!?!
WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT! I AM STARTLED BY THIS. howard starts to wake up. he looks up at me. "howard why are u in my bunk bed?" i question him. "no this wasn't supposed to happen! we need to get out of here!" howard starts freaking out. "but howard why? i love this room!" i protest. "it's not safe! your in too much danger! i'm doing this for you rachel!!!!" howard says to me. "howard what are you even talking about." i ask. "the davids their looking for u. they want u. and i cant let them take what's mine." howard answers my question. " howard i am not yours, i'm no ones, i am not a piece of property. i'm a human being. and if you can't respect that then we shouldn't be together." i stand my ground. he gives me a puzzled look and begins to chuckle, "be together? you think we're together? we're not together. i don't do girlfriends and even if i did, i would never date you." howard says that to me and turns to walk out the door. i start to cry and fall to the floor. how... how could he do this to me? i miss when david was cosplaying howard and we were sitting in his ferrari as he sang shooters by tory lanez to me. i miss home. i miss my friends. i know what i need to do. i need to find a way to escape.

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