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havent updates this in a while

i suppose i just haven't felt the need to

but recently everything's been getting worse again

i've started anti depressants but it's not making any real difference

it's making me feel sick. it's making me feel like a problem that needs to be solved.

i'm gaining weight again and it makes me feel like i have no control over anything

the days are getting more and more repetitive.

wake up at 11am

stare at the ceiling for half an hour or so

contemplate having breakfast
   decide against it

take my medication

go back to sleep for three hours or so

check all my social media's
   look at all my unread messages
      don't reply to any of them

stare at my ceiling

imagine what it would be like if i died

hey it's 2pm ! get some water

try to eat lunch
   fail miserably

contemplate throwing it all up

either do so and fall asleep, or don't and stare into the mirror, poking my body and listing off everything i hate

sleep again

hey it's like 6pm! force down a family dinner

stare at my ceiling

imagine how happy i would be if i was pretty and skinny

sleep again

repeat !

respect to the anorexics who can actually lose weight : for the past month i have been consistently binging, feeling bad, low restricting, and then binging again.

it's a horrible, painful cycle that i cant fucking escape

i have swimming next term

i have so so many scars all over my body . my chest, my hips, my thighs, my calves, my arms, my shoulders, my ribs. 

how am i meant to hide them?
how am i meant to hide myself?

i spend so much  time staring at myself in the mirror, crafting outfits that mask every single ugly aspect of my body (all of it) and now it's ALL being thrown out thr window to do some swimming. great.

- 𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗿𝘆, 𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸Where stories live. Discover now