chapter 2

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Warning!: Small bits of depression in this chapter. Along with a couple of chapters to come.

Sting's pov


my alarm came on at six in the morning. I groaned as I rolled over, sitting up while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked at the date on my phone. God I forgot that dance was today. When I heard about the dance on Friday the first thing I thought was who would go with Minerva. Also that girl that Minerva was talking to has her days wrong. The dance is today and honestly I'd like to dance with Minerva. I find her adorable and beautiful but I can see she doesn't feel the same way about herself.

I got my usual outfit on for class. I was forced to be professional with my attire since I was a teacher there. Of course I always had my earring on and I gently ran a hand through my hair to fluff it up. I hoped Minerva wouldn't avoid me as usual. She was always trying her best to avoid talking to me especially about her injuries and how she was getting along with everyone. I had a feeling something was going on that I didn't know about but she had yet to open up to me. I gave Lector his cat food before running over to the school hurriedly. God it was a disgrace to be late to a class. I made it to the class luckily before anyone else. The only person in the classroom at the moment was Minerva who was cleaning her desk up. I silently walked to my desk, putting my work on my desk before I started working on it. I noticed her furious scrubbing and got up, walking to her. I froze once I saw what was written on her desk, gritting my teeth.

"Who did it."

I said bluntly which startled her as she jumped, looking at me wide-eyed. She tried to cover it up, a fake smile on her face.

"Some people just pulling pranks on me as usual! It's nothing we always laugh together later!"

She replied with her hand, attempting to shoo me away. I'd known Minerva forever or at least long enough to have feelings towards her. I noticed my cheeks were burning when I thought about her. Gods I sucked at this. Perhaps I can ask her about the dance.

"Are you going to the dance today Miss Orland?"

I asked her, looking into her eyes which quickly looked away from me as her cheeks turned red. I finally got close enough to almost be in her lap. She put the stack of papers against my face, blushing madly as she shut her eyes tightly.

"H-here's the homework you wanted! I-i will most certainly make sure to be at the dance since my father will want me to be there!"

She exclaimed nervously as I heard the door swing open. I quickly grabbed the papers since I knew if she got caught doing anything with me she'd probably get reprimanded severely by her father. Our relationship would have to be a secretive one.

"Thank you Miss Orland! I'll get right to grading these papers for you!"

I exclaimed happily as I walked away from her. I could still see her blushing face as she continued to clean her desk again. Her friend walked up to her and started up friendly conversation. I felt jealous that she was able to get Miss Orland to talk about what was going on.

"Again? When are you going to ever tell your father?"

The girl asked Miss Orland. Miss Orland looked at her, sighing deeply as I heard her sniffle.

"It'll never end no matter what I do... If I talk to my father he'll just hurt me and tell me I'm just being weak and they'll say I'm daddy's precious girl.. if I tell Sensei they'll call me a teacher's pet. It'll never end Yukino."

She replied as she continued to scrub her desk. Good thing I was a dragon slayer and could hear very well. I suppose I'd have to come to school an hour before normal to catch the culprit(s). I heard her inhale sharply.

"I thought it'd all end when college started but it seems they can't leave their childish antics at high school. I'm thinking... About taking the cowardly way out of it."

She continued cautiously, looking down at her desk. I just noticed that drops of water started to fall on her desk. She was crying silently. I watched her friend, facial expression turn from worry to even more concern quickly.

"What?! Who will take your father's place as guild master then?! You're the sole heir of Sabertooth and you're willing to throw it all away so you can end your life because people can't keep their comments to themselves?!"

Yukino exclaimed as she grabbed Miss Orland's shoulders. Miss Orland looked at her bleakly as I watched them out of the corner of my eye.

"I wasn't planning on leaving my friends hanging... I planned on passing the torch to Sensei. If I become guild master Sabertooth will lose it's respect. Right now they think I was pitied and Sabertooth only let me rejoin for a good image. Sabertooth will fall if I become guild master. Nobody will ask for jobs and I'm not willing to take down my guild."

I felt anger rising inside me as I listened to what she said. The brats really thought we were only allowing Miss Orland to rejoin the guild was to make ourselves look good? How foolish. I was surprised to hear she'd make me guild master if her father ever died. I heard the school bell ring which made me get up off my desk.

"Today we study charm magic. Now this is unfortunately a necessity since some people rather enjoy breaking the law. So our school has gotten permission to use charm magic as a lesson."

I took a deep breath as I continued.

"Therefore we will be practicing within our fellow guilds to see who can be the top charmer. Remember that once you are charmed you will have no control over your actions and will be absolutely in love with your captor. Then whoever is the last person standing in your guild must raise your hand and walk to the sidelines otherwise you might get taken out. Whoever is the last man standing will battle their teacher and if proven successful against their teacher will get a sweet reward depending on what they want unless it's illegal of course."

I grinned as I watched everyone's head perk up and ready to battle. I motioned everyone towards the door before walking out, my students following close behind. I made it to the arena where the battle was being held and walked off to the teacher's area. I had confidence in Minerva being the winner for Sabertooth since she was on a whole different level of power. It was spectacular she could have so much power. Everyone lined up and waited orders. Fairy tail's guild master and teacher coughed before opening his mouth.

"Alright listen up! You should have heard the rules from your teacher but I'll just add in the extra stuff. Firstly you are to wear this assortment of jewelry which has charm magic embedded into the stone or jewel. This will give you the power to charm your opponent. Do not put them on till the battles start!  Well come along! Grab a piece of jewelry!"

Everyone crowded in and Minerva stayed behind, teleporting two dangling earrings in her hand. I smiled as I waved at her. She blushed but waved back. Yukino smirked as she nudged her.

"Promise me you'll tap that!"

She teased which made Minerva turn red. Minerva covered her face shyly which reminded me a lot of those cliche romance animes. The stuff where the guy gets a beating because he misunderstood the whole thing.

"Don't say such things! You'll get me murdered.."

She replied grimly. I smiled to myself as I watched her. She was my beloved student after all and the girl I totally didn't want to kiss to death. Too much? Yeah, I get told that a lot.

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